T175B: Networked living: Exploring Information and Communication technologies

Question One (12 marks)
Given the following spreadsheet which shows number of subions in both telephone lines and Mobiles in Uganda as stated in http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/Data.aspx.
Use the excel file provide with the TMA file and answer the following questions.

a) Create a chart taking into account the following chart options. (Paste the chart in the TMA file taking into consideration that all the following points are clear in the pasted version.)

1) A column chart

2) The x-axis represents the years.

3) Series represents rows 2 and 3.

4) Write a chart title.

5) Write a title for the x-axis.

6) Write a title for the y-axis.

7) Legend position in bottom.

8) Change scale of Y-axis to "logarithmic scale".

9) Adjust the format of y-axis so all series should be above the x-axis.

b) By looking at the data given in the above table, you notice that the growth in cellular subions is much faster than telephone lines subions. Justify that.

Question Two (13 marks)
Part 1 of Block 4 discussed telehealth for providing clinical health care at a distant. Telepharmacy is a category of telemedicine field.
Search the and answer the following.

a) Define Telepharmacy.

b) List three ICTs needed for Telepharmacy.

c) List three situations in which Telepharmacy would be useful.

d) Write about one real life application/experiment of Telepharmacy.

e) List three URLs of the pages you used. (Wikipedia is not counted)

Question Three
You have a server with availability of 99.1%. Suppose a backup server with an availability of 98.5.0% is used. (Assume the backup server comes into operation immediately if the main server fails.). For how long in a month is NO system available, on average??

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حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O544321455 - OO966544321455
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حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O544321455 - OO966544321455
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حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O544321455 - OO966544321455
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حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O544321455 - OO966544321455
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حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O544321455 - OO966544321455
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