أقدم لكم

Fontographer 5.*.3 Build 4868

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يقوم بتصميم الخطوط ومعالجتها وتحريرها
ويعتبر هذا البرنامج من أقدم البرامج في هذه المجال
ومن أكثرها تخصصاً وشمولية
فهو يبدأ بتصميم الخطوط الخاصة ببيئة Windows 3.1
وكذلك أنظمة الماكنتوش وغيرها ..

With Fontographer it’s easy to design new typefaces and to customize existing fonts, and the result will be high-quality fonts that can reliably work across different operating systems. Fontographer is designed in order to help you easily create new fonts, customize existing ones, add extra characters, fine-tune spacing and kerning, fix problems in bad fonts and convert old fonts to a new format.

Unlike any other font editor on the market, Fontographer combines an easy, intuitive and very efficient user interface with our mature, state-of-the-art font creation technology, making it a perfect font editor for graphic designers, DTP professionals, calligraphers and type designers who do not with to dive into the technical details of font creation.
