T215B: Communication and information technologies (II)
Question 1 (Solved in a Group):
Read the article described as “Reading 3” entitled “UK Confidential, Introduction” available in Block 4 Book accompanied with the course material, and modified and attached to this TMA. Answer the following questions:
1) In no more than 300 words and using your own words, discuss the main idea of the article.
2) Define “Today’s Privacy” as seen by the article’s authors.
3) In no more than 200 words and from your understanding, discuss the idea that “Technology is not the problem confronting our civil liberties, nor will it define the future of privacy”.
4) In no more than 300 words and from your understanding explain the following idea quoted from the article: “Personal information is attached to a market decision in most cases and is increasingly hidden from view”. .
5) Explain how at both the domestic and the international level, there are strong justifications for a degree of surveillance.
Question 2 (Solved in a Group):
Imagine that you work for a security consultancy company. Your company has signed a contract to implement an encryption system for one of its clients. The system relies on the idea of Quantum Cryptography, and you have been asked to write a general deion about this system.
Your brief should include the following items:
• What is Quantum Cryptography?
• Some technical details about Quantum Cryptography.
• Quantum Cryptography advanes and shores, if any.
Question 3 (To be Solved Individually):
1) Discuss and elaborate your own and individual contribution in solving “Question 1” of this TMA.
2) Discuss and elaborate your own and individual contribution in solving “Question 2” of this TMA.
Question 4 (To be Solved Individually):
Write a summary discussing the latest developments of the two fingerprint sensors: Optical sensors and Solid-state sensors. This summary aims to explain the important idea of the two sensors to intermediate level reader.

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حل الواجب بأفضل صورة O544321455 - OO966544321455 - [email protected]
حل الواجب بأفضل صورة O544321455 - OO966544321455 - [email protected]
حل الواجب بأفضل صورة O544321455 - OO966544321455 - [email protected]