B301B – Making Sense of Strategy (II)
A Double Diamond Comparison of the Automotive Industry of China, India, and South Korea
By Marc Sardy and Marc Fetscherin.
Rollins Scholarship Online, 2009.
d on your understanding of the article, answer the followings.
Define the Double Diamond Model and explain how it differs from the well-known Porter’s Diamond Model.
For each country, China and India, provide an analysis of the four attributes of the diamond and discuss the relative importance of domestic vs. international factors for the nation’s competitiveness of the automotive industry.
Discuss the role of the Chinese and India governments in influencing each attribute of the system and in shaping and constraining the behavior of firms (trade policy, competition policy, regulations, domestic politics, etc.).
Explain how the international forces affect the competiveness of the automotive industries in both China and India.
Select a leading industry in your home country and answer the following:
a)Using Porter’s Diamond model, discuss its four attributes,
b)Using the Double Diamond model identify the international factors affecting the industry’s competitiveness and
c)Discuss the role of your government in promoting the industry’s competitiveness.