النتائج 1 إلى 9 من 9

الموضوع: sindbad7r

  1. #1
    معلم لغة انجليزية الصورة الرمزية sindbad7r
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2006
    Saudi Arabia


    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    There are different views concerning the teaching of grammar.
    One view is adopted by teachers who follow the Grammar-Translation Method and by those who are working with a text- book which have a traditional grammar syllabus rather than a structural one. According to those teachers ,grammar should be taught deductively. Another view is adopted by teachers who follow either the Direct Method or the Audio-Lingual Method.
    Those teachers believe that grammar should be introduced inductively. Moreover , teachers who follow the Natural Approach see no need to teach and practice grammar at all. They believe that the grammatical structures of a language are not learned , but they are acquired in a predictable order. In other words , they believe that learners will pick up grammar rules intuitively over time , provided that they meet enough samples of natural language. The role of the teacher , as they see it ,is to provide a language-rich environment in which learners meet comprehensible language as they are engaged in activities of various kinds. Teachers who choose not to teach grammar at all will have the advantage of being able to concentrate on the communicative needs of the students. However , in the long run, those students may find themselves forced to perform some communicative tasks which are beyond their grammatical competence.

    The Deductive Method:

    The deductive method of teaching grammar was devised to teach the classical languages of Latin and Greek in Europe. The steps used in this method can be stated as follows:

    1) The teacher writes an example on the board or draws the attention of the students to an example in the textbook.
    2) The underlying grammatical rule is explained , usually using the mother tongue and the terminology of grammar.

    3) Students practice applying the rule , orally and in writing.

    4) Points of differences between the grammar of the grammar of the target language and that of the native language are given special attention.

    For instance , if you choose to teach the comparatives using the deductive method , you can do so through the following steps:

    a) Write an example like the following on the board :
    * Ahmed is taller than Mohammed.
    b) State the rule that most adjectives of one syllable form their comparative degree by adding –er.
    c)Give the students more examples such as colder, longer, harder.
    d) Give other examples using adjectives like big, slim, thin.
    * Buses are bigger than taxis.
    e) Draw the attention of the students that the final letters of the one syllable adjective is doubled if it contains one vowel letter followed by one consonant.
    f) Explain to the students that in order to form the comparative degree of adjectives that end with –y preceded by a consonant , the-y is changed into –I as in heavier , happier , prettier .
    g) Give a list of the irregular comparatives such as good ,bad and little.
    h) Ask the students to memorize the rule and its exceptions.
    i) Ask the students to apply the rule to other examples.

    The deductive method of teaching grammar has been severely criticized because it does not motivate the students to learn and because it does not help the students to communicate in the target language. How ever , it still have many advantages:

    First, it is quick and easy for the teacher.
    Second ,it is probably more effective for presenting complex grammatical rules.
    Third, it is preferred by adult students who want to know how the target language works.

    The Inductive Method:

    Teachers who follow the inductive method believe that grammar rules will be evident to the students if they are given enough appropriate examples and practice the grammar rule in context. When teaching a grammar point using the inductive method , it is important to demonstrate the meaning to the class.
    In addition , grammatical explanations should not be given; however, they may be elicited from the students themselves.
    For instance, if you choose to teach comparatives using the inductive method ,you can do so through the following steps:

    a) Try to demonstrate the meaning to the students through given examples using short adjectives that the students should know and adding-er. You can also use pictures and real objects that the students could name to give more examples.
    b) Use more pictures and real objects that the students could name to elicit more examples from the students.
    c) After some oral work ,write an example on the board underlying the –er. Instead of given the grammatical term comparatives ,use a title that represents the use, meaning ,and communicative value of the grammar point such as comparing 2 things.
    d)Return to oral work and provide the students with the adjectives they will use as comparatives.
    e)Write the new comparatives on the board as they occurs.

    f)Wait until the students notice that all comparatives end with –er but that in certain comparatives such as bigger, slimmer, and thinner , the final letter is doubled while in other comparatives such as heavier ,happier, and prettier, the y is changed into i.

    Although this method takes longer time and requires more preparation on the part of the teacher than does the deductive method , it has its advantages.
    First, it involves the students much more in the learning process since it requires the students to identify the rule for themselves.
    It is believed ,therefore, that such learning will be more effective.
    Second, it is more effective for presenting simple grammatical points which can easily be perceived ,understood, and applied.

    The Eclectic Way :

    With such conflicting views concerning the teaching of grammar, teachers who follow the eclectic way will use all three strategies at various times. Since there is no one method which is best under all circumstances , those teachers will be selective in order to fit the lesson into the time available and to suit the differing needs and learning styles of the students. They may consider the following factors before making a decision about the teaching of grammar to their students.
    The first factor is the age of the students and their level of mastery over the target language.
    The second factor is the complexity of the grammatical point that they want to introduce to the students .
    The third factor is the amount of time they have for presenting the grammatical point. Thus, for example ,they will avoid presenting grammatical points to children who have a low level of mastery over the target language. On the other hand .they will use a deductive method to present a grammatical point to adults who have a high level of mastery over the target language.

    With My Best Wishes .


    The view of language in the audio-Lingual Method was highly influenced by descriptive linguists, language teaching methodology should be based upon the following linguistic principles:
    FIRST: Language is speech, not writing:

    Early structural linguists found that many languages do not exist in written form. They also observed that children normally acquire the spoken form of the language before being introduced to its written form ;that is, they learn to understand and speak their mother tongue before learning to read and write it . Based on these observations ,structural linguists believed that language is primarily what is spoken and secondarily what is written. They also assumed that a foreign or second language will be acquired more easily if it is presented to the learner in the spoken form before the written form.
    The application of this concept in the Audio-Lingual Method resulted in the following practices :
    1) Spoken language was given a priority over written language in foreign and second language learning. Thus, the listening and speaking skills of the students were developed before their reading and writing skills. In fact, students were required to understand and speak at least some of the language before learning or write it. In other words ,the four language skills were presented in the order of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
    This order of skill development was justified by the argument that it is the natural order in which children acquire their mother tongue.
    2) Since the main emphasis should be in the spoken aspect of the language, correct pronunciation and intonation received great attention from the early stages of foreign and second language instruction. Some advocates of the Audio-Lingual Method suggested that the first six to ten weeks of language should be devoted to oral practice of the target language. During this period , students should not receive their textbooks or see anything of the target language in the written form ,and all learning materials should be introduced in the aural-oral mode. They believed that this time lag between the introduction of new material orally and its presentation in written form would force students to concentrate their attention on accurate pronunciation of the new material.
    3) This emphasis on the spoken aspect of the language did not mean that the written aspect was neglected . It rather meant that the listening

  2. #2

    مشـرف منتدى اللغة الانجليزية

    الصورة الرمزية عالي مستواهـ
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    دار آل سعود
    اولا اهلين وسهلين فيك اخوي سندباد في منتدانا الغالي غرابيل واتمنى لك الفائدة...... ومنك الاستفادة .....:واو:

    ثانيا <<<<< you remind me of the college {{{{{{{ I've taken this course}}}}}}}}}}}}}} prencibles and techneques
    English language

    مشكور على الموضوع الرائع جدا ولك تحياتي

    [align=center]I was wating for so long ...
    for a mericle to come...
    Every one told me to be strong ..
    hold on .. and dont shed a tear..
    through the darkness and good time..
    I know I'll make it true...
    and the world thought I had it all .. but I was wating for you[/align]


  3. #3
    معلم لغة انجليزية الصورة الرمزية sindbad7r
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2006
    Saudi Arabia
    thanks alot Knowledge I wish I can be useful for every one in this forum but Idon't know how to download subjects from my pc . Please , guid me if u can. Thanks again.

  4. #4

    مراقبة سابقه

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2005
    thanks sindbad7r

    you are welcome

    وبالنسبة لسؤالك

    تقصد تحميل المواضيع بجهازك وإلا تنزلهم بالمنتدي

    thanks again

  5. #5
    معلم لغة انجليزية الصورة الرمزية sindbad7r
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2006
    Saudi Arabia
    اقصد تنزيل مواضيع بالمنتدى لانى املك اشياء كثيرة ومفيدة يمكن ان يستفيد منها الجميع ولكن لا ادرى كيف الطريقة وبالتفصيل من فضلك

  6. #6

    ][&][ مـــــراقــب ][&][

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2005
    أهلا بك بالمنتدى

    ونرحب فيك وبمشاركاتك

    إرفاق الملفات سهل جدا من إرفاق ملف ويوجد شرح للأخ فارس غرابيل مثبت في جميع الأقسام

    نتمنى أن تطرح كل مفيد

    وجمبي سعد يسلم عليك ويقول لك إنه جاه تفريغ أسبوع ويقول الله يصبركم على أبي فيصل

    وبنرسل لك صور الاختبارات على هذا الإيميل
    [email protected]


  7. #7

    مشـرف منتدى اللغة الانجليزية

    الصورة الرمزية عالي مستواهـ
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    دار آل سعود
    بالنسبة لتحميل الملفات يا عزيزي

    تحصل زر لاضافة ملف مرفق من زر التحكم بالملفات المرفقة في مربع الخيارات الاضافية

    تفتح لك نافذة فيها عدة مستطيلات جنبها كلمة استعراض اضغط على اول زر واضف الموضوع اللي عندك في الجهاز

    ثم اضغط زر تحميل تحت المستطيلات في الجهة اليسار

    اذا خلص التحميل اضغط زر اغلاق النافذة وبهذا يكون انتقل الملف مع موضوعك الجديد

    اتمنى انها وصلت الفكرة

    مع تحياتي
    [align=center]I was wating for so long ...
    for a mericle to come...
    Every one told me to be strong ..
    hold on .. and dont shed a tear..
    through the darkness and good time..
    I know I'll make it true...
    and the world thought I had it all .. but I was wating for you[/align]


  8. #8

    مراقبة سابقه

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2005
    thanks knowledge

    هالمرة أنا اللي وصلت متأخرة

  9. #9

    مشـرف منتدى اللغة الانجليزية

    الصورة الرمزية عالي مستواهـ
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    دار آل سعود
    ايـــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــه يعجبني الاعتراف

    حزب المعارضة يفوووووووووووووز بقيادة knowledge هذي المرة



    ويهزم حزب المشرفات ههههههههههههههههههه:هاها:



    صورة تذكارية لحزب المعارضة وابتسامة عريضة

    [align=center]I was wating for so long ...
    for a mericle to come...
    Every one told me to be strong ..
    hold on .. and dont shed a tear..
    through the darkness and good time..
    I know I'll make it true...
    and the world thought I had it all .. but I was wating for you[/align]


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