هذه الرساله من كماتشو على صفحته الخاصه في الفايسبوك ..

I come here to clarify things, especially to fans AHLI who always helped me, with respect to them, i come here to say that, what some people are talking I signed with the Shabab before the final, it is a very big lie, and who knows Camacho know who I am, I am man and i have principles of life, and one of them and spend good things for my family could be proud of me, and if I had done it would be shameful, then i come here to say that I signed with the Shabab later my arrival in Brazil, after having sent the letter to AHLI, just wanted to clarify this ,because being accused of something that did not is very bad, and i have always respected the AHLI and their fans and always will respect as well as i did when i left all the other teams that i played for, and I beg also to respect me specialy for everything I've done this season to help my teammates and AHLI! thanks

بإختصار يقول إن بعض الناس قالو انه وقع للشباب قبل النهائي وهذه كذبه كبيره ومن يعرف كماتشو يعرف انه رجل يحترم مبادئ الحياة وانه يبغى الاشياء الجيده لعائلته لتكون فخوره به واذا كان وقع من قبل النهائي سيكون امر مخزي , وانه جاء ليقول انه وقع للشباب بعد ماوصل البرازيل وارسل الرساله للاهلي , واراد ان يوضح ذلك لانه متهم بشي سيء وانه يحترم النادي الاهلي وكل الانديه اللي لعب لها ويبغى جمهور الاهلي يبادلو الاحترام خاصه بعد هذا الموسم اللي ساعد فيه اعضاء الفريق والاهلي .. شكرآ