السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اقدم لكم جهاز النونو no no hair

افضل جهاز منزلي للتخلص من الشعر الزائد

واحب افرحكم واقول لكم انه مناسب لجميع انواع والوان البشرة

والاحلى انه مايحرق الجلد ولا يسبب بقع

والخبر الساااار انه خلال ساعه واحده يكون عملتي جسمك كله (لان الجهاز تحركيه مثل ماكينة براون والاحلى من كده انك ماتحتاجي لشيل الشعر بالموس قبل استخدام الجهاز مثل باقي جلسات الليزر)

يعني من الاخر رح تتخلصي من الشعر نهائيا خلال 6 شهور كل استخدام ماياخد منك اكثر من ساعه

وبلا مصاريف وزحمة المواعيد حق عيادات الليزر واهم شيء الخصوصية مارح تنكشفي على احد

والله والله ان الجهاز رائع بكل معنى الكلمة

مو لاني بسوق له بس والله عن تجربة اختي جربت ازالة الشعر عند عيادات الليزر والله والله الشعر

رجع تاني في اقل من سنة يعني المصاريف الهائلة اللي اندفعت راحت عالفاضي هذا غير الحروق

اللي كانت تجيها من الجلسات وغير الانتظار

الجهاز حائز على جائزة افضل منتج لعام 2011 وهذه صورته

هذا الكرتون

وهذا الجهاز

يجي معاه 2 رأس واحد كبير للجسم والاصغر للوجه وخط البيكيني والابط وقطعه دائرية لتنظيف الجسم بعد الاستخدام وفرشة لتنظيف الالة

الجهاز صناعه امريكية 100%

حجمه صغير وسهل التنقل فيه وين مارحتي ممكن تحطيه في شنطة اليد

جهاز النونو مميز عن باقي اجهزة ازالة الشعر بحيث انه يعمل بتكنولوجيا الثيرمكون بحيث تعمل على بالنبض وليس بالاشعه وتتلف بصيلة الشعر بالتدريج بدون اي الم واي حروق ولستي بحاجه الى جل تبريد

والثيرمكون يعمل على جميع الوان البشرة سواء السمرة او البيضاء والشعره الغامقه والفاتحه للرجال وللنساء

ويستخدم كل مالقيتي الشعر طلع يعني مرتين اسبوعيا او مرة تقريبا وهكذا الى ان تلاقي الشعر اختفى

والنتائج تبدأي تلاحظيها من 4 الى 6 اسابيع

ودائما الشعره السميكة تكون مدة ظهور النتائج اطول

يعني اللي شعرها خفيف تبدأ تلاحظ النتيجة خلال 4اسابيع

واللي شعرتها سميكة تبدأ تلاحظ من 6 اسابيع

يستخدم على كل مناااطق الجسم وخط البيكيني عدا المنطقة الحساسة جدا

والاحلى من كده الجهاز عليه ضمان سنة كااااملة

يعني لو تعطل عليكم الجهاز فورا نستبدله بجهاز اخر جديد بشرط الاحتفاظ بفاتورة الضمان

وقطع الغيار متوفرة في اي وقت هذا اذا تضررت لا سمح الله

وطريقة استخدام الجهاز وتمريره مثل الة براون تمشي عكس اتجاه الشعر واثناء استخدامه رح تشوفي الشعر قدامك يتلف ورح تشمي ريحه شياط مثل الريحه اللي تطلع في عيادات الليزر وهذا دليل على ان الجهاز يعمل بشكل ممتاز

وهنا مقطع باليوتيوب يوضح لكم طريقة استخدام الجهاز

وهنا بعض تجارب اللي استخدموا المنتج من المواقع الاجنبية علما انه برنامج اوبرا وذا دكتور وتودايز وذا فيو مدحوه

If you are looking for a long term hair removal product, this is the one for you to get. This is by far the best hair removal product I have ever used. I have had some bad experiences with other products in the past and with the No No I have had great results. Its small, easy to use, safe, and gives me the results that I am looking for.

I have been using this product for about thirty days now and I am already seeing results. I use it on my legs and bikini line and have seen a 50% decrease in hair in only four weeks. I don't know why people have called this product a scam because it has done everything for me that I was promised. I highly recommend this product to anyone looking to get rid of unwanted hair.
I love my NONO. My legs are hair free and I just started doing my bikini area. I waxed all the time and now I don't have to go through the torture of getting my hair ripped out. The small tip makes using this on my bikini area sooooooo much easier!!
So far so good, haven't used long enough to see about long term results. Just using on facial hairs, coarser hairs harder to get with it. Make sure to use the buffer, or else you will think that hair wasn't removed with it.
About a month ago, I ordered this product. As a woman, I am cursed with dark thick hair EVERYWHERE; and I've tried a lot: shaving, bleaching, plucking, waxing. This product is amazing. After three weeks of use, I have half the armpit hair I used to... I no longer need to shave daily... in fact I no longer shave them at all. My leg hair is still as numerous, but it is thinner and lighter in color and it grows back in more slowly. Working on my upper lip and facial hair, it grows back more slowly... and plucking was a daily thing for me- not anymore. There is a learning curve when it comes to getting the glide down, but by the second use I had it. Tricky is the LCD display. The first screen with the sun is the intensity setting with three bars that you can change before starting, once you glide it pops up the second screen with the tip indicator. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH INTENSITY. I saw another review that talked about how the user noticed the intensity went up as soon as she started to glide- this was operator not reading the instructions clearly. The buffer pad is a bit harsh for the face, I recommend using Smooth Away for that versus the one they provide, but is great follow up on the legs. I love this product, and will be continuing to use it. Definitely worth trying if you are backed into the corner of considering the option of laser treatment. It's painless and amazing- well worth the price especially if you are used to paying the massive amounts of money for waxing or have horrible hormonal hair like I do.

I purchased the pink No NO 8800 model as I have been looking for a miracle hair removal system for my face for years. I've had it lasered twice, still having problems. Doctors said it was hormones and nothing I could really do about it but laser - that's way expensive and isn't really working for me, so in comes the No No! I was thrilled to see it and couldn't wait to order one. If it worked as it said, it would be the answer to my prayers. After ordering I read reviews and worried about making a mistake - I didn't. Here are the keys to this item:
1. Charge over night - don't cheat on this one!
2. It takes TIME and PATIENCE! You will not see smooth skin the first few times you use the NO NO. I started on my forearms before using on my face to make sure I knew what I was doing. It took about 6 - 30 minutes sessions (total for both arms) to really get a "no hair" apparearance. But it did work!
3. For me, buffing with the crystalized buffer is a "no no". I have used one before and it breaks me out - so what I have found successful is to do a treatment and then wash with a mild soap, then moisturize. You can find what works for you.
4. I'm not sure about the lotion - I don't really care for the fragrance and found that my Baby Philosophy lotion works very well.
5. Have done two sessions on my face and am happy with the results so far. It took some practice to get around the chin and I did notice a slight "zap" and puff of smoke when it hit a thicker hair - positives in my opinion!
6. Clean the blade wire often - use the brush or blow it out with your breath.

I have not experienced any pain, burns, rashes, or problems with the wires. I have used the product for almost 2 weeks - about 6 sessions on arms, 2 on legs and face, blade still working fine.

IF the product continues to work well and IF I see that my hair is not growing back after continued use for a couple of months I will be the most vocal proponent of this device on the planet!

Not a 5 star rating because it is not a quick hair removal process and wish they'd include at least one replacement blade for the money!
Prepare for burnt hair smell - I do it outside or make sure my husband isn't home, then shower and lotion. So far I'm satisfied with the purchase.

WOW - it's been 4 weeks, my arms appear hair free, my legs, well, I shaved 4 days ago after using my NONO for 2 weeks on them, they feel smooth - maybe a little peach fuzz, but nothing like it use to! I think after I complete 6 weeks, they will be smooth and fabulous. And customer service was awesome today! My NONO's little o'ring that runs the roller had come off (probably user error)and customer service said they would send a new one out right away and have the old one picked up at no cost to me! This thing is fantastic - won't be without it!


I just received this product and tried it out yesterday. I ordered it off of an infomercial with Kassi Depaiva. Unfortunately I couldn't get the user guide to work on my DVD or CD players, so i used the little book as a guide. I charged the little guy for the 5 hours required, and started on my legs and to be honest that sparking sound scared me and I wasn't sure i was doing it right. But i guess as long as the blue light is going its working. I read a review where someone said it stank of "burnt hair" - um, well, it's burning your hair, the smell didn't bother me. When i used the buffer, it took all the hair off my leg, no joke! I said, "Oh my gosh this little @#$! works!" Then I was brave and tried it on my face, it was hard to get around the edges, and it did burn a little when i'd go to slow, but not enough to make me stop using it. (I tried laser treatment and those bolts of light stung.) but I will continue to try and master this product and will update.
Let me start off my saying that I am pretty hairy and it's something that has bothered me my whole life. I have tried just about everything there is including laser which is expensive, painful and takes a while. When I saw the infomercial for this product I just couldn't resist. It seemed too good to be true. After the first couple of weeks of using this I thought I made a huge mistake cause I didn't notice much difference but now it's been about 5 weeks and I am noticing a huge difference and in time I expect to be hair free. It really does work but it takes time and patience. I am still not completely hair free but I have much much less hair than I did a month ago and bald spots in many areas. I have been using it on my chin, face, legs, underarms, and bikini area pretty faithfully 2-3 times per week. A few things that I find work, at least for me, I don't use the buffer and in the beginning I shaved and I also stopped doing that. I have found that it seems to work better if the hair is a little longer and shaving and buffing means I have to wait longer for the hair to grow between treatments. After I finish no! no!ing, I usually take a hot bath and exfoliate as best I can. I spend quite a bit of time going over my skin over and over again with the no! no! I usually sit in front of the tv and do it while I am watching a movie or something. It does smell like burnt hair but to me that's a good thing cause it means it's working. Don't expect to have smooth skin after you finish no! no!ing, there will still be hair but if you keep doing it over time the hair that it is removing doesn't seem to grow back. It definitely works but it takes patience...well worth it in the end in my opinion

let me start by saying i have been thinking about buying this for a few years now and when i saw the infomercial to try it free for 2 months, i couldn't resist. i'm glad i waited because the older model was corded and it looks much bigger than the 8800 model. i received my no no on june 12. after charging it for 5 hours i couldn't wait to use it. it took me about 3 minutes to get the hang of it especially around curves. it does leave a burnt hair smell, but i was expecting that, and it's really not that bad. i think i was a little disappointed that it didn't take all of the hair away and leave a smooth surface, but when you think about it, if the wire could get that close it would probably burn your skin really bad. i decided that since i could send it back if i wanted to, i would use it pretty much every day. well that lasted about 3 weeks and then i started using it every other day. i must say i am very impressed with it. i started seeing and feeling results last week. i decided to put it away for 2 weeks and see what happens. so far maybe about 20% of the hair is coming back on my legs, but not in all areas. my arms are still about 95% hair free and the hair that is coming back is a lot softer, but then again there isn't very much of it there to judge yet. i'm doing this test to decide if i want to keep it or not. i still have 3 weeks to decide if i'm going to keep it, but i think i am. i have a home waxing kit that works fine, but if you've ever tried waxing the back of your legs, you'll understand what a mess that can be. i usually no no sitting on the bed watching tv and since it burns the hair away, there are no little hairs to clean up. i have burned myself a few times, but the burns are very minor. they are the width of the wire and they look like a little scratch that go away in a day or so and they aren't really noticeable. this is the second no no i have had. the first one i got started acting up, and i called customer service and they told me they would send me another one in 5 to 7 days. well i received it in 2 days and i returned the other one. i must say the customer service is great. i read some reviews that mentioned the thermal tips. i used the tips i got with the first one for many hours and when i returnd the unit, the tips were still in good working order. the tips are also a lot cheaper now. i think the old ones were something like $25.00 each, but the new ones are like 3 for $25, and customer service told me that they have a club, where if you sign up you can get tips, a buffer and the lotion for $29.00, which is a good deal considering the lotion sell for almost $50.00 by itself. i love how the lotion smells, but i only use it if i have to cool down a certain area. i also did the back of the neck of a male friend and it took 3 weeks for the hair to start growing back. so now once a month, he comes over to "get his neck no no'd". i know this is a major purchase, so i will continue to give updates, good and bad, in case anyone is on the fence about buying one. but so far, i am impressed and i am happy with my results.

ولسه فيه كتييييييييييير مديح عن الجهاز ماشاء الله لا قوة الا بالله بس والله تعبت من النسخ

احب اذكركم ان هذه التعليقات تخص جهاز النونو المطور والمحسن اصدار رقم8800

اللي تحب تجرب الجهاز قبل لاتشتريه في مدينة جدة حياها الله تجي عندي تجربه

سعر الجهاز 1500 ريال فقط من غير الشحن والتوصيل يعني سعره سعر جلسة ليزر واحده في العيادات

الضمان لمدة عام

للطلب ارسلي مسج على جوالي

واي استفسار ارجو يكون عالعام وليس الخاص

حياكم الرحمن