حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

T325: Technologies for digital media

T325: TMA, Fall 2014 Question 1
This question carries 30% of the marks for this assignment
As you have seen in Block 2 – Part I, intellectual property rights aims at encouraging innovation and creativity. They can be classified into: Copyright, Design, Trademark and Patent. The latter (Patent) protects the technical and functional aspects of products and processes. The registration of the patents (and other intellectual property rights) can be done at the national, regional and/or international (d on international agreements) levels.
In this question, you are asked to do a search in the registry of patents protected at the national level and select one recent (no later than 2012) patent related to technologies for digital media. Then you are asked to briefly present – IN YOUR OWN WORDS – the main idea of this patent. In addition, you should mention (d on the national intellectual property rights regulations) the lifetime of the patents.
Mark distribution: The marks are distributed as follows:
- 20 marks for the presentation of the patent as follows
o 4 marks for the relevance (is the patent related to Technologies for digital media)
o 2 marks for the timeliness of the patent (after 2012)
o 14 marks for describing the patent
- 4 marks for identifying the lifetime of the patent (d on the regulations)
- 6 marks are allocated for the writing style as follows:
o Two marks for clarity of ideas
o Two marks for English writing style
o Two marks for appropriateness for general IT audience

Question 2
This question carries 70% of the marks for this assignment

The aim of this question is to practice one of the theoretical computer security concepts you have seen in Block-II–Part 2: the cryptanalysis, by using a cryptographic tool called CrypTool [1].
CrypTool – as introduced by its developers - is a “comprehensive free educational program about cryptography and cryptanalysis offering extensive online help and many visualizations”.
In order to complete this question, you need to install CrypTool-1 on your personal computer/notebook. You can download it from the Cryptool-1 download page [2]. The software will also be made available on the Moodle course site. Alternatively, you may use computers located in the computer lab which have CrypTool-1 already installed on them (refer to your course coordinator regarding the Moodle course site and the computer lab information).
In this question, you will experiment one of the basic cryptanalysis techniques which is the use of letter-frequency analysis. Although such technique is inefficient against most of the ciphers nowadays, but it constitutes a starting point to understand one of the weaknesses of some classic ciphers and how cryptanalysis techniques can take advane of this weakness to break the cipher.
In the following, you will apply this cryptanalysis technique on one of the oldest known ciphers: the Caesar cipher.
1- Understand Letter-Frequency analysis (10 marks)
a. Using the internet and/or any other reliable resource, you are asked to prepare a brief explanation, using your own words, of the letter-frequency cryptanalysis technique.
2- Prepare the plain (4 marks)
a. Select from the internet (or any electronic resource you have) one relatively long (of the size of 10,000 or more letters) English (newspaper, reference manual, novel, etc.).
b. In addition, Find on the Internet a similar single (more than 10,000 letters) written in an arbitrary foreign (Latin characters, e.g. French).
c. Copy these two selected s in two files (.txt): “plain-english-xxxx.txt” and “plain-foreign-xxxx.txt” (xxxx should be replaced with your student ID, for instance if the student ID is 090011, the file s will be plain-english-090011.txt and plain-foreign-090011.txt).
d. In order to customize your files and differentiate your work from other’s work, write your full in the first line of each file.
3- Analyze the plain using Cryptool-1
a. Using Cryptool-1’ “Tools for Analysis” functions, determine and provide for each of the plains you have selected in 2, the following:
i. A histogram showing in the graphical form the relative frequency of letters in the two s (4 marks)
ii. ual listings of 26 most frequent diagrams (two letters block) (4 marks)
iii. ual listings of 26 most frequent trigrams (three letters block) (4 marks)
b. Compare the results obtained in 3-a between the two plains. What is your observation? (4 marks)
4- Analyze the impact of short s on frequency analysis
a. Take a small subset of the English prepared in (2-a); for instance the first 200 letters, save this file in one file (.txt): “plain-english-short-xxxx.txt” (xxxx should be replaced with your student ID, for instance if the student ID is 090011, the file will be plain-english-short-090011.txt). (2 marks)
b. Re-compute all frequency distributions of part 3-a. (6 marks)
c. Compare the results obtained in (3-a) and (4-b) (for the English plain only). What is your observation regarding the matching between frequency distributions for short s and long s of the same type, written in the same ? (4 marks)
5- Encrypt the plain using Caesar cipher
a. Encrypt separately the long and short English s of parts (2-a) and (4-a), using the classical Caesar cipher available in CrypTool-1, with a key of your choice (you should indicate the key in your report) (4 marks)
b. Save the two encrypted in two files (.txt): “cipher-english-xxxx.txt” and “cipher-english-short-xxxx.txt” (xxxx should be replaced with your student ID, for instance if the student ID is 090011, the file s will be cipher-english-090011.txt and cipher-english-short-090011.txt). (2 marks)
6- Analysis of the cipher
a. Compute the frequency distribution of single letters for the two obtained ciphers (4 marks)
b. Compare this frequency distribution with that obtained in (3-a) and (4-b). What is your observation? (4 marks)
c. Can you deduce the key of the Caesar cipher d on the comparison? Explain how. (8 marks)

7- Breaking the Caesar cipher using Cryptool-1
a. Launch the cryptanalysis of the encrypted s (both short and long) using the “cipher- only” mode of Caesar cipher analysis in Cryptool. Explain the different steps of this process. (6 marks)

The deliverables of this question are:
• A report that explains the different steps you have made and the results you obtained. You should take screenshots of the cryptool-1 software for each step you followed (each part can have several screenshots). The screenshot should be clear and at the same time you should not use a very high resolution in order to keep the size of the TMA file reasonable. In addition, you should clearly explain the findings and observations you are requested to present.
• The five files you have generated during the exercise. The question will not be validated if the files are not uploaded along with the TMA

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.