موقع نادي اخليس الهولندي يتغنى بالاتحاد ويصفه بالفريق القوي والعنيد القادم من المملكة العربية السعودية وان خزائنه غنية مليئة بألقاب الدوري والكؤوس ومجموعة من النجاحات الدولية الأخرى

Slot weeks practice campaign: JVC, and Al Ittihad, Rohda Theole

After Achilles Saturday 26 July 15: 00 at home against Dutch Topklasse Club JVC Cuijk has paid off, as there are still 3 exhibition games on the role in the last two weeks of preparation. Tuesday, July 29, 7: 30 pm crosses swords with the Al Ittihad Achilles again at home from Saodie Arabia. This club is a ' big ' boy given the richly filled trophy case with league titles, cups and a host of other international successes.
Saturday 2 August travels Achilles to Wesepe to at the local 5th divisionist SV Wesepe at 4 p.m. to play an exhibition game against old friend Rohda Raalte that currently plays in the big league. On Monday 4 August finally goes all the selection and supervision of Achilles first visiting our main sponsor of Heroes promotional gifts in Tiel to to close the campaign with a match against Theole (7: 30 pm
