Prokuala for Training and Development Center would like to offer to you a course in
(Advanced Management Skills for Senior Managers)

Our courses are held at the highest level to ensure effectiveness and your comfort.
Mentioned below a summary to the course’s description:

Give senior managers new tools for better management.
Improve employees´ performance by increasing the skills of their managers.
Show how it is possible to increase productivity by effective communication, team-building, delegation and motivation

Managers who seek to increase their leadership skills.
Managers at all levels who want to improve their interpersonal skills.
Managers who want to motivate and build teams in the workforce.
Managers who aim to increase the productivity of their subordinates.

For more details about the scientific content
Feel free to contact us
Best Regards
Training Coordinator
Miss. Laila Diab
Malaysia: Casa Residency, No.69, Jalan Galloway, 50150 Kuala lumpur
TEL: +60326317075
Mob: +601121888612
Middle East: +201100957531
[email protected]