أقدم لكم

cFosSpeed 905 build 2076

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برنامج الماني الصنع معترف به عالميا بزياده كفاءه اتصال الانترنت وتكامله مع
مكونات كارت LAN في الجهاز .. يضاعف البرنامج سرعه الاتصال الي 3 اضعاف واكثر وكذلك يزيد من سرعه تحميل الملفات العاديه وملفات التورنت .. وافضل مميزاته هو تسريع العاب الانترنت والتي تتم بالمشاركه في اكثر من جهاز مع اصدقائك

Key features:

Improves your Ping for online games
Supports Internet faster during heavy loading / unloading
Improves the mobile Internet.
Reduces problems with the audio / video Internet streams
Improves voice quality in the programs using VoIP
CFosSpeed ??prevents one application (eg , email) to score all the others , such as telephone calls , chat, etc.
CFosSpeed ??supports your ping fast , so you can play online games and download files simultaneously .
All important data packets are automatically given higher priority over unimportant . With the help of the program and its CFosSpeed ??Protocol of priorities you will be able to customize their applications ideally and / or add new programs .
Analyze your data in real- time: With the new status ****** you can easily recognize which data streams you currently pass .

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