SM EPC 3 Hyundai and Kia and Catalog Microcat V6 for Kia

SM EPC 3 Hyundai and Kia and Catalog Microcat V6 for Kia (2012) | 2.35 GB

SM EPC Hyundai and Kia - Original spare parts catalog Spare Map HYUNDAI and KIA. Also present in the assembly catalog Microcat V6 for Kia - presented all models produced and / or unreleased KIA Motors, except for vehicles intended for the inter-market (for example, Rhino), the model divided into groups (cars, SUVs / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region.
Presented all models produced and / or unreleased KIA Motors, except for vehicles intended for the inter-market (for example, Rhino), the model divided into groups (cars, SUVs / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region. The catalog can identify the vehicle by VIN (with filtering part numbers), the search for the name of spare parts (partial or complete), original number, and also shows the applicability detaley.Imeetsya options list with a breakdown for easy selection of the desired number in the absence of VIN-filter. The choice of language is possible separately for the program interface, and separately for items of spare parts.
1. Mount the disk image using Daemon Tools.
2. Run setup.exe and follow the prompts. Type of installation - "full", choose your country and language to your liking, with the regions on the screen to note everything on the screen with the choice of model type - select "Passenger + R / V + commercial". On the screen with a choice of models in the list is the very bottom there is an item "Microcat V6". It is here, if it is not needed, it is necessary to press tick.
2. After installation abandon reboot, go to the folder "windowssystem32" and delete the file from there "mg16.dll"
3. Copy the folder "Crack" from sborkm to any folder on your hard drive where you installed himself Mikrokat. This is necessary for correct operation of HASP-driver.
4. Go to the copied folder "Crack" and run the first file "install.reg", a question answered in the affirmative WINDOWS. Then run the file "install.bat", open a command prompt, which will see the implementation process of the file. Next to each of the command (with the correct execution) should be spelled "OK." Press any key to end the run file. WARNING! If Mikrokat put upgrade already installed, and the previous one was cured in the same way (HASP), then steps 3 and 4 to miss!
5. For those wishing to break through in the program win-numbers of all regions (except of course tasting s internal market) - go to the folder X: KIA_DATA kiac.dat and open the file in the usual Microsoft Excel. The table to clear the contents of three columns: To_Year, Production_To, Excluded_Countries, except the title, of course. Exit and save the file, Excel ignores warning about the loss of any data. ATTENTION. That was not excruciatingly painful, before editing the file, save it, just in case a copy! Attention once again. When you upgrade to the already mikrokat file kiac.dat Management Board on a number of computers was marked by a curious fact - "fresh" kiac.dat, from the updated version does not replace the previous one, the Management Board. People can not open in new models (although the perpetrators based course they attended). Avoid - before starting the rename / delete the old file kiac.dat.
6. Reboot the computer and run the program.
7. If the program is installed for the first time (and not by the pack), the first run after pressing the "Start / Start" in the dialog box, go to the "Administrative Tools" and creating a new user, making up any username and password. Then - enter the data in the window and sign.
If the program does not / will not start / no punches wines:
1. For proper installation and operation of prog requires that the user has local administrator rights.
2. If the program does not break through guilt, there are three options.
a) the wine does not exist in the database Mikrokat. This may be a bug in wine, or inter-Korean wines. Checked very easily. In the data folder X: KIA_DataVin a file vin.idx. There - all tasting rooms that are present in the program. Open it to view (I usually use FAR Manager-ohms) and check availability search of wine. Found - should break, subject to paragraph 2b is not found - so no luck.
b) not edited file kiac.dat.
c) Russian wines, beginning with the letter X. Some of these rooms - a struggling program directly, while others - has an "analog", ie mashinokomplektov wines imported from abroad and assembled in their native homeland. Enough krossirovat such wines, and everything will break. The third part of the Penguins with the letter X - this machine, analog-tasting rooms that are not there. This group includes all Izhevsk spectra, the latest editions of Izhevsk Kaliningrad Sorento BL and Sportage FM. Here you can pick up spare parts only on models without the filter win-number.
3. Error when starting form "program is outdated and needs to be updated" or "a program is outdated and will not work over" essentially is not an error. It is a reminder of the program that it is time to put a new version. Enough to run the rollback date on the computer to a month of release. After Mikrokat start - the date can be moved back to the current one.
Known bugs and limitations:
1. With the supplied key HASP - once on a single computer can run only one Mikrokat. Microcat FORD, Microcat Hyundai, etc. - To operate simultaneously with this prog should be broken by another without HASP-ohm.
2. The program only works on 32-bit OS. On any 64-bit system (XP, Vista, 7) - runs only under VM.

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