.. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..

لعبة المغامرات Vampires Vs Zombies بمساحة 253 ميجا

Game which we will share this time is still about zombies or undead, but now the zombies are not alone but with a vampire, as the title suggests that Vampires Vs Zombies. Vampires Vs Zombies game is updated on 27 August 2013 and the addition of several Game Features. Intrigued with this game? Immediately click the download link below and enjoy.

Minimum System Requirements:

OS: ******s XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 1.2 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 296 MB

Size Game : 253 MB

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