حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

Faculty of Computer Studies
Course Code: M150 B
Course Title: Data, Computing and Information
Tutor Marked Assignment – Summer 13-14
Cut-off Date August 13th, 2014 Total Marks:80 converted to be out of 20

[10 marks will be deducted if the student does not apply this part]
You are required to create a folder which contains the following files
- The word file that you will copy and paste the codes and the screen shots of your program
- The libraries and the programs that you have to implement them according to the specifications in the below Questions.

Question 1 [30 marks]
Part1: create a library and it myNumbers_ID. It contains the following functions:
getNumber(): it has no argument, it asks the user to prompt a number and parse it to get it corresponding numeric value and then the method returns this number.
isZero( num): it has one argument as a number, it checks whatever the given number is ZERO or not. It returns true if it is ZERO and false if not.
isOdd( num): it has one argument as a number, it checks whatever the given number is odd or not. It returns true if it is odd and false if not.

Part2: create a library and it myStrings_ID. It contains the following function:
replace(): it has one argument as a String, it replaces all ‘e’ or ‘E’ character to a star *. It does not return any value. It prints/displays the String as: neeti becomes n**ti

Part3: write a code according to the following specifications:
1. Declare an array of numbers and it points with 5 elements.
2. Declare an array of Strings and it players with 5 elements.
3. Fill the 2 arrays by inserting the string s of the players and then their points using getNumber() function
4. Print the values in the 2 arrays as in the picture below
5. Then you are required to award the players 100 points if his points are equal to ZERO, and multiply his points by 3 if the number of points is an odd value, or divide his points by 2 if the number of points is an even value and then display the awarded points. You have to use the function libraries above in Part 1.
6. Then you have to replace all ‘e’ or ‘E’ characters in the player’s s to * and then display the new after the replacing process. You have to use the function libraries above in Part 1.
7. You have to copy and paste all codes in your word file and provide one screen shot for the output. Do not forget to submit the libraries and program in your folder

Question 2 [20 marks]
Part1: you need to use a library dateLibrary.js. You will find it in the CD-Block2-Activities folder
Part2: write a code according to the following specifications:
1. Create date1 as a date1 Date and initialize it by your birthday using a single string argument constructor.
2. Display date1 Date as a long string date.
3. Create date2 as a Date and initialize it by your mother’s birthday using 2 properties/arguments constructor.
4. Display date2 Date as a short string date.
5. Create date3 as a Date by using 3 properties/arguments constructor by asking the user to prompt the year, the month, and the day of the month.
6. Display date3 Date .
7. Create today as a Date .
8. Display today Date as the following format: July, 3 2014.
9. Display the d calendar for that date's month of today Date .

Question 3 [20 marks]
Part1: You are required to model a new user-defined type Book.
The Book type has the following properties:
isbn: a string representing the ISBN code of the Book.
author: a string representing the of the author of the Book.
title: a string representing the title of the Book.
status: a string representing the status of the cover of the book either “hard” or “soft”.

The Book type has the following methods:
getAuthor(): a method that returns the of the author in the Book.
setAuthor(): a method that has one String argument and it sets the of the author in the Book by the given value of the argument.
getTitle(): a method that returns the title of the Book.
setTitle(): a method that has one String argument and it sets the title of the Book by the given value of the argument.
makeItSoft(): a method that sets/makes the status of the cover of the book a String value “SOFT”.
displayInfo(): a method that displays (in an alert window) all the information of the Book using it properties and the two methods: getAuthor() and getTitle().

Write the Book constructor function Book (aISBN, aAuthor, aTitle, aStatus).
Implement the methods getAuthor(), getTitle(), setAuthor(), setTitle(), makeItSoft() and displayInfo() according to the above specifications.

1. Declare and create book1 as an of the Book. Assign the values of the prosperities of book1 by your favourite book.
2. Display the information of book1.
3. Set the of the author of the book1 to “Ahmed”.
4. Set the title of the book1 to “An Introduction to programming”.
5. Make the status of the cover of the book1 soft.
6. Assign a new ISBN value to the book1.
7. Display the information of book1.
8. You have to provide 2 screen shots for displaying the information of the book.

Question 4 [10 marks]
1- What are the 2 parts to design for the ?
2- List the design principles to design for the ?
3- You are required to check and then write your comments if the design principles to design for the are implemented or not on the home page in the picture below.

“End of the TMA questions”

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.