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Same Place, More Space - 50 Projects to Maximize Every Room in the House

الآن بين أيديكم

غلاف المجلة الرسمي

Master carpenter and DIY Network host Karl Champley offers 50 home improvement projects to maximize space in any dwelling, no matter how big or small. Keeping an eye on style and economy, Champley outlines tools, materials, and techniques for searching out and using hidden-away space to achieve incredible results. Readers will learn how to carve out ****ving niches between studs in the wall, tuck more into kitchen cupboards, build hidey-holes beneath floor boards, and much more. The projects range from easy organization solutions to weekend construction projects and more ambitious undertakings. With easy-to-follow instructions for making more out of less, detailed illustrations, and no-nonsense advice on clutter control, Same Place, More Space makes it simple to create a more functional, expansive, and beautiful home without moving or remodeling.

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73 mb
مكونة من 256 صفحة

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