LADY GAGA:clapinghand:
متوفر الان ( تعبئه )
بعد أسبوع واحد على إطلاق عطر غاغا ويبلغ سعره 38 دولارا استطاعت ان تحقق النجاح المطلوب وتتفوق على عطور كل من بيونسي ومادونا وغيرهما من النجوم.
بعد اسبوع واحد فقط من انطلاق عطر ليدي جاجا يكتسح بريطانيا ويصبح في المركز الأول في المبيعات
العطر تم بيع اكثر مما تم بيعه من عطر مدونا وعطر بيونسي مجتمعه

This unique perfume concept has translated in to ringing tills for team Gaga, the £23.99 parfum has already sold more than both Beyonce and Madonna's fragrances did in their first week of launch.
Sara Wolverson,
superdrug beauty director said: 'Lady Gaga is a true original and she has brought something completely new to the fragrance market.

In fact, her debut fragrance fame has become the number one best-selling women’s fragrance at Superdrug just a week after hitting the ves.

And it’s not just customers who have gone gaga, snapping up thousands of bottles every day, stores themselves have been inspired by the diva, dressing up in homage to the new queen of fragrance.