VueScan Pro 9.1.13


16.28 MB

غير مجانى ( كامل + السيريال )

برنامج مشهور و غنى عن التعريق و يستخدم فى مسح الصوره عن طريق السكانر و حفظها على الكمبيوتر او على اسطوانة او فلاش ميمورى او ديسك كما يمكنك حفظها بالعديد من الصيغ ....


VueScan - the program to work with scanners. Can work with internal color depth. VueScan supports automatic and manual settings of most parameters and batch scanning. Supports more than 1850 models of scanners with a certain superiority in the slide-scanners - Nikon, Minolta, Polaroid, Microtek, Epson. There are automatic removal of image defects due to the channel infrared scanning and multipass scanning and averaging the result - to suppress the intrinsic noise of the scanner. There are filters suppress grain, unsharp masking and removal of spurious color original. There are means of manual adjustment of dynamic range and gradation characteristics (regardless of the channels R, G, B).

The main features of VueScan:
"Works with 1850 flatbed and film scanners
"Versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS
"It improves your productivity and scan quality
"The program is downloaded more than 5 million times
"Creating a scanned RAW files
»ICC profiles and color spaces
"IT8 color calibration.

التحميل على عدة سيرفرات
Exoshare - Download - VueScan_Pro_9.1.13.rar