المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حل واجب 0544321455 - 00966544321455 واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة a_al_shora@hotmai

16-10-2013, 05:00 PM
حل واجب 0544321455 - 00966544321455 واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة a_al_shora@hotmai (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html)

حل واجبات (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) الجامعة (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) العربية (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 96654321455+
ايميل : [email protected]
سكايبي : a_al_shora

Supplementary material for
T175A: Networked living: Exploring Information and Communication technologies

Question One

(d on in general Block 1 ideas and specially Block 1 Part2 Session 1)
In a Company a number of hand scanners are distributed in different buildings to for login and log out purposes. They are all connected to a main server through the wired network. An employee has a PC, printer and scanner in his/her office.

a) Draw an alent block diagram and write key processes in black and others in grey.

b) Write the block deion for the hand scanners key process.

c) If employees are goring to share the printer. Modify the above system map to reflect that.

Question Two

a) (d on Block 1 Part 1 Session 2, Block 2 Part 3 Session 2)
Giving that T is a shortcut of Tera which is alent to 1024 Giga, find out the alent storage capacity of 8.25 TB in bits in scientific notation and rounded to 4 digits.

b) (d on Block 2 Part 3 Session 2 )
Use the ‘short-cut’ method to evaluate the following, write the result in scientific notation. (Show the steps in details)

c) (d on Block 2 Part 3 Sessions 3 and 6)
Estimate how many times larger the duty cycle of device A that typically connects to a network and transmits for 20 ms in every 0.5 second to device B which transmits for 40 ms in every 2 seconds.

Question Three

a) (d on Block 1 Part 2 Session 3, Block 2 Part 3 Session 7)
Compare RFID technology with Barcode systems by filling the following table.
Characteristics RFID Technology Barcode System
How transmitted
Equipment needed
Items identification
Potential information stored
Damage possibility
(5 marks)

b) For each of the following figures choose a suitable network technology and justify your choice.

Network 1 Network 2

حل واجبات (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) الجامعة (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) العربية (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 96654321455+
ايميل : [email protected]
سكايبي : a_al_shora

Arab Open University
Faculty of Business Studies
MU123 (Discovering Mathematics)
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
2013-2014, First summer

This TMA is d on Units 1, 2, 3, 4 and 11, MU123 Discovering Mathematics. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall assessment component. This TMA requires the students to apply course concepts that deal with working with numbers, percenes, ratios and statistical concepts and pictures.

The TMA is intended to:
- Apply how to use the three ses of statistical investigation cycle listed on page 180, Book A, Discovering Mathematics.
- Develop your skills of classification of statistical analysis.

The TMA:
The following table describes a situation that summarizes the number of students enrolled at AOU branches at 2009.

Students enrolled at AOU during 2009
Branch Females Males Graduates
Kuwait 3037 1931 1924
Jordan 1618 1009 2429
Lebanon 1876 2920 962
Bahrain 622 792 204
Egypt 794 1204 160
KSA 6138 7395 921
Oman 425 787 --
Source: http://www.agfund.org/en/about/flags...niversity.aspx (http://www.agfund.org/en/about/flagships/pages/thearabopenuniversity.aspx)

From the above table, answer the following NINE questions:

1. Calculate the mean, median, range, interquartile range of the total number of students (Females + Males) enrolled at AOU at all branches. (10 points)

2. Calculate the standard deviation for females students. (10 points).

3. Analyse and explain the results obtained in Questions 1 and 2 (50-75 words). (10 points).

4. Find the percene of male students at each branch. Explain your result (50 words). (5 points)

5. Round the total number of males and females to two significant numbers, for each branch. (5 points)

6. Use Microsoft Excel in presenting your data in bar charts for males and females students for all branches. Explain your results. (15 points)

7. Use Microsoft Excel in presenting your data in pie for the graduate students for all branches. Explain your results (50-75 words). (15 points)

8. Find the percene increase/decrease in graduate students for all branches; explain your results (50-75) words. (10 points)

9. Find the ratio of the number of graduate students of Kuwait to Lebanon branches. (5 points)

A total of 85 out of 100 points are allocated to the above 9 questions. The remaining 15 points will be distributed:
- Presentation (5 marks)
- Attachment of the PT3Form (5 marks).
- Word count. (5 marks)

As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism will be penalized depending on its severity and according to AOU plagiarism policy.

Cut-off date: December 06, 2013

حل واجبات (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) الجامعة (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) العربية (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 96654321455+
ايميل : [email protected]
سكايبي : a_al_shora

Page 1 / 4
Tutor-marked Assignment 01 – Fall 2013-2014
Cut-off date: Dec 8, 2013
Total marks: 100
Submitting your work
This TMA should be submitted to your tutor electronically through the LMS system
before the cut-off date indicated above. Please note that it is your respolity to
ensure that your work is submitted in the correct format. Anything submitted after the
midnight deadline will not count for assessment purposes.
The TMA is marked out of 100, out of which 20% will be considered for the continuous
assessment grade.
It consists of 4 questions. The total marks for each question are shown at the beginning
of each question. The marks allocated to each part of a question are indicated in the
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA
work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for
plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another
person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the
AOU's rules and regulations.
Important note: Before you start working with this assignment, you need to refer to the
plagiarism tutorial posted in LMS.
By submitting the TMA through the LMS system, you are declaring that this submitted
TMA work is a result of your own efforts and you have not plagiarized any other
person's work.
Arab Open University
Faculty of Computer Studies
TU170 Computing Essentials

Part 1
1. Use the common forum in LMS, in TU170 page, to initiate a discussion and to share your ideas with your classmates about one of the following topics:
 Twitter
 Speech Recognition
 Google Docs
 Smart Phones
 Virus Protection and Internet Security
You should copy all the thread messages (not screenshots) and past it on your solution for this part. The thread should contain at least 10 messages.
2. Within the range of 150 – 200 word count and using your own words, describe any three LMS features.
3. Use your browser to search about blended learning system using one of the search engines such as Yahoo or Google.
a. Visit any two links from the search result and then copy few sentences or short paragraph that describes what blended learning system is. Make sure to put them between double quotations.
b. Using MS word processor, make citation and reference for your two quotations
c. Describe (using your own words) the steps you followed in creating the citation.
d. Why do you think it is important to make citation for the references you have used?

Part 2
Salary classification
Highest Salary
Lowest Salary
Average Salary
Number of high range salaries
Figure 1: Spreadsheet sample, salaries statistics for four months in a company
Using MS Excel:
1. Create a spreadsheet similar to figure 1
2. Type in all and add s to the employees in the first column
3. Use proper functions to find:
 highest, lowest, and average salaries in each month
 total salary for each employee [1 mark]
 Whether the total salary for each employee is classified as High or Low range salary. If the total is greater than 2500 then it is classified as High range, otherwise Low range
 number of employees who are classified to gain High range salary
4. Create two graphs:
 A column chart representing the employees’ salaries in four months
 A line graph representing the highest, lowest and average salaries in each month
Both charts must have chart title, x axis label, y axis label

Part 3
In many areas in the course book, you have been introduced with the concept of cloud storage and it is also described in “A look to the future” section in Secondary Storage chapter. Write an essay around 400 word count describing the following:
 Definition of cloud storage
 Cloud storage history
 Two examples of cloud storage services
 Advanes and disadvanes
 How could this help with your studying at AOU
Part 4 [18 marks]
Use your own words to answer each question or statement below.
1. List and describe the three types of electronic commerce and explain how to ensure secure payment in electronic commerce?
2. Describe any three design principles that can be used to enhance the user interface usability?
3. The operating system act as an interface between the user and the computer system, explain.
4. Android and iPhone OS are two examples of mobile phone operating systems. What is the difference between them?
5. What is the difference between input and output devices? List two examples of devices which combine input and output capabilities.
6. How to improve the hard disk performance?
TMA presentation
The TMA word must satisfy the following:
 Header contains student’s and id
 Page numbering
 No grammar and spelling mistakes
How to submit the TMA
 Create a folder and it as yourId_first_ Sur
 The folder should contain the word and the excel file
 Right click on the folder > Sent To > Compressed (Zipped) Folder
 Submit the compressed (Zipped) folder in LMS

حل واجبات (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) الجامعة (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) العربية (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 96654321455+
ايميل : [email protected]
سكايبي : a_al_shora

عمادة البرامج الأكاديمية في التربية
استمارة الواجب الدراسي (TMA Form)
مقرر مهارات التعلم الذاتي GR101
الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام الأكاديمي 2013- 2014

أجب على الأسئلة التالية:

السؤال الأول: (10 درجات)

- "تعد مهارات القراءة الدراسية الفاعلة من المتطلبات الأساسية للنجاح في نظام التعليم المفتوح".
أكتب مقالاً من 3 صفحات على الأكثر حول مهارات القراءة للتعلم الذاتي وفق المخطط التالي:

1- مقدمة: خلفية نظرية حول:
1.1 مفهوم القراءة كعملية عقلية معرفية. (1) درجة واحدة
1.2 مراحل القراءة وعملياتها العقلية. (1) درجة واحدة
1.3 استخدامات القراءة الدراسية في التعليم المفتوح (1) درجة واحدة
1.4 أنواع القراءة للتعلم الذاتي (1) درجة واحدة

2- المتن:
إرشادات وتوجيهات للقراءة المنتجة والفاعلة نتيجة لخبراتك الشخصية، في كل عنصر من عناصر القراءة المنتجة. (4) درجات

3- الخاتمة:
مناقشة التكامل الوظيفي بين المهارات الأساسية للغة كوسيط. (2) درجة

السؤال الثاني ( 10 درجات )

يعتمد التعلم الذاتي، كي يكون تعلماً حقيقياً وفعالاً، على طائفة من المهارات التي ينبغي أن
يكتسب فيها المتعلم مقدرة شخصية وقوة ذاتية ليكون متعلماً مقتدراً على حسن توجيه ذاته
وتنشيط فاعلياته تجاه تحقيق أهدافه في النمو والتقدم.

ادخل الى شبكة الانترنت واختر مقالة من 2-3 صفحة على الأقل يكون موضوعها احدى مهارات التعلم الذاتي (التي وردت في الوحدة الاولى )
كتابة مقالة ( 15 سطر كحدّ أقصى ) تُلخص المقال الذي تم اختياره، على ان تكون الاجابة على النحو التالي:

1- وضع مقدمة (تطرح الموضوع والهدف من المقال) (2 درجتان)، صلب الموضوع (يتضمن تلخيص عام للمقال الذي تم اختياره ) (3 درجات) وخاتمة (يتم فيها توضيح الرأي الشخصي للطالب حول الموضوع)، (3 درجات).

2- ضرورة توثيق المراجع التي تم استخدامها : (2 درجتان)
بالإمكان مراجعة كتاب المقرر ص 323-325 للمزيد من التفاصيل حول سبل التوثيق السليم).

المطلوب أن يكون التوثيق على النحو التالي:

****أ. في المتن (أي داخل التلخيص): يكون التوثيق "آخر النص المقتبس" ضمن قوسين متضمناً اسم الموقع كاملاً.
****ب. في نهاية التلخيص: (اسم الموقع+ تاريخ الزيارة / العنوان الالكتروني للموقع / بالامكان مراجعة ص 325).

من الضروري ارفاق نسخة عن المقالة والا لن يتم تصحيح هذا السؤال بالكامل

حل واجبات (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) الجامعة (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) العربية (http://www.aswaqcity.com/thread1304391.html) المفتوحة
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 96654321455+
ايميل : [email protected]
سكايبي : a_al_shora