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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The price of football: How much do you spend to follow Norwich City? - News

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The price of football: How much do you spend to follow Norwich City? How much is too much to watch Norwich City? Thursday, September 12, 2013 1:06 PM </p> watches (http://www.luxurywatchesfake.com) Every season supporters are feeling the pinch of following their club in the latest campaign, but how much is too much?
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high quality replica watches for men (http://www.luxurywatchesfake.com) Whether you are a season ticket holder, or go to a game once or twice a season, it’s evident that the price of a Saturday afternoon at the football is becoming more costly. With the cheapest season ticket and a match day ticket at Norwich costing upwards of آ£500 and آ£50 respectively, along with a programme at آ£3 each, plus the cost of food and drink, and spending the best part of آ£50 on a replica shirt, what used to be an affordable afternoon watching the football is now becoming a very expensive outing.
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&raquo; {{trimHeading(fields.heading)}} </p> Share | 14 comments </p> I do love football,I love Norwich but I will never ever pay to watch a Premiership game ever due to the immoral wages that these players get and how they act off the pitch.
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wes1975 </p> Saturday, September 14, 2013
The point is that the prices get set to consumer demand, that is what people will pay. If the stadium wasn't full every week the price may well be the issue, but the stadium is full every week. The cost of players should be viewed the same way. Bale IS worth آ£85m because that is what someone has paid for him!!
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Behind enemy lines </p> Friday, September 13, 2013
The point is that the prices get set to consumer demand, that is what people will pay. If the stadium wasn't full every week the price may well be the issue, but the stadium is full every week. The cost of players should be viewed the same way. Bale IS worth آ£85m because that is what someone has paid for him!!
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Behind enemy lines </p> Friday, September 13, 2013
Like many things the greed factor has taken over football ...not just a sport anymore but a cash cow paid by fans ...for high earning players and investors...that said ..it's all got really silly now and out over control...as an entertainment ... After countless years of football hype... Which does nothing for my family budget ... I now am happy to just watch Saturdays match of the day prog... And it's free... The cost and time of going to a match and the aggrovation of parking etc.. Is now beyond the normal past costs of going and watching a simple game of football... Everyone has a choice, some will pay upto آ£100 a match in years to come ... My money is spent more wisely now... Not financing players wages that are way above mine...
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Lionel </p> Friday, September 13, 2013
Anyone who chooses to watch a bunch of spoilt toddlers kicking a ball about and throwing tantrums deserves what they get.
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Thoreauwasright </p> Friday, September 13, 2013
Irongloves - The club did provide free coach travel to the game at Hull (25 coaches headed north) an in a couple of weeks are offering to pay half the cost of your ticket if you want to go to Stoke. I agree neither is huge, but it is something. Also, the price of next year's season ticket will be the same as it was for this season.
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Mr Ed </p> Friday, September 13, 2013
Even watching on telly costs a few quid these days. Forget the Premier League overpaid fancy dans. Watch non-league. Proper football with proper tackles and a pint with the players after. Gorleston FC, آ£6 entry, آ£2.60 for a burger, آ£3 for a pint, آ£1.50 for a programme. All for the same 90 minutes entertainment and a close up view of the game
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DJ </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
The price of tickets will have to go up a lot more to enable Norwich to get into the top 6 ...and into Europe ...buying better players to get to that position will cost the fans more... The amount of money flowing through football is staggering pushing countless millions to buy players... Increasing every year... A lot like house prices ...way overpriced and out of control...85 million for bales... Total greed and 100 million will be paid in a couple of years ... Norwich season tickets will have to increase every year they are in the prem... To be able to stay there and compete... So fans keep your wallet open in coming years...basic logic....you want success it is gonna cost you money...lots of it... Footballers wages are not cheap... Far more than you earn...and you will have to pay for those high salaries... That's what fans do... ...the other choice is do not pay it... Watch football on tv.. Like millions of others do...?...your choice...
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Lionel </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
Hull wasn't too bad, آ£35 for the ticket with the free coach offer, but then you have to add the cost of the pie & two pints in the ground. Spurs this weekend is costing آ£40 for ticket plus آ£20 coach before we've even left. Season ticket prices arent that bad, although alot of people think they could have handled the Academy donation better by making it Opt In rather than Opt Out. I cant really complain about our pricing as we've seen many improvements on and off the pitch, I think we get very good value compared to most PL clubs. Plus the club make it easy to pay for your ST with monthly interest free payments. Binglingers, why comment if it has nothing to do with you? (yes I'll bite to the trolls, hence my screen name).
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Piranha24 </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
As someone who used to go to every home game and not think twice about spending a pound on a program, I have seen the prices rise enough to mean i only attend the cup games and cut price fixtures now. Its an expensive entertainment but its the old rule of supply and demand and the waiting list for season tickets etc tells its own story. Premier league status is what fans want but with it come modern premier league prices.
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GossVolley </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
Any criticism of prices will be met with the reply that we are cheaper than the majority of Premier ship clubs.This is the case,but the majority of other clubs are many millions in debt whereas the finances of Norwich City are now secure.Whereas in the future this may not always be the case,now is an opportune moment for the Club to do more than it has to reward fans who have shown extraordinary loyalty over many years.In recent times, even when relegated to League One full house attendances were the norm.The average wage in the areas from which most support comes is far less than the National Average and in these difficult times the cost of family attendance is well beyond the means of many.I have supported the Club since I saw my first match on Boxing Day 1946.I can still afford the prices ,but this season,have decided as a matter of principle not to attend matches until something tangible is done to reduce the overall cost of attending.It is unpalatable to me that with the Club awash with money nothing significant has been done to reduce cost to the supporters.
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irongloves </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
As someone who used to go to every home game and not think twice about spending a pound on a program, I have seen the prices rise enough to mean i only attend the cup games and cut price fixtures now. Its an expensive entertainment but its the old rule of supply and demand and the waiting list for season tickets etc tells its own story. Premier league status is what fans want but with it come modern premier league prices.
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GossVolley </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
How much do I spend? sweet f.a.! I have better things to do with my money than watch some prima-donnas kicking a ball around (and each other), for more a week than I earn in a YEAR!
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biglingers </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
Far to much! Im a home season ticket holder (use to be an away 1 to but now can only attend a few away due to....cost!) NCFC are lucky because myself like many will always renw our season tickets regardless of the cost. Im skint! Plain and simple, have a missus, modest job and a 2 year old (future ncfc supporter) little boy. BUT I find the money somehow and sacrifice anything to ensure im there in the lower barclay every match (PLUS cup games at added expense) cheering the lads on with great passion! I no longer drive to games as petrol, parking etc is costing to much. Usually me and lads get a group saver and go on the train and have a few pints as this works out far cheaper than simply driving. I no longer buy match programmes as I had ever since childhood, Never buy food inside the ground. Its plain an simply a rip off. Why pay in excess of آ£1 for a Mars bar? Madness. Same with Beer inside the ground....a round costs a bomb and what do you get? Wait nearly all of half time to get served and then get a flat, off tasting pint of a sub standard beer brand. Need to take a look at the bigger picture. I know its harder but in germany & spain the pricing is much better and to be fair the games are much more memorable and entertaining. One of Real Madrid & Barcelona's best seated season tickets is the same price as Arsenals worst! What has the game come to!
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Mattias333 </p> Thursday, September 12, 2013
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