المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ثياقو نيفيز ... الحقيقة الكاملة

االزعيم الهلالي
29-06-2013, 11:20 PM
كثرة المواضيع والردود والتفاعلات سواءاً على مستوى المنتديات أو حتى على مستوى الإعلام بأنواعة - في ظل صمت الإعلام الرسمي للنادي- دفعني كل ذلك إلى تقصي أخبار اللاعب ثياقو نيفيز من مصادر ناديه وبلاده ككل للوقوف على مدى صحة ما يتداوله الإعلام من أخبار ولطرح موضوع يعتبر مرجع لأخبار اللاعب وللمنتدين بمنتدى الزعماء و بمعلومات دقيقة منذ أن رحل عن الهلال وحتى تاريخه:

Posted on May 26, 2013 at 12:25
Thiago Neves appears in the queue and Fred pulls in training

http://static.fluminense.com.br/site/futebol/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Fred-e-TN-site3-616x345.jpg (http://static.fluminense.com.br/site/futebol/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Fred-e-TN-site3.jpg)
Sunday, 26, is opening day in 2013 Brasileirão. While related by coach Abel Braga are concentrated in Macaé, for the game against Atletico-PR, athletes who were trained in Rio de Janeiro firm during the morning in Orange.
The news was the return of midfielder Thiago Neves, who returned to training in the field after recovering from muscle pain in the calf. He embezzled the Flu in the first leg on Wednesday, 22, at St. Januarius.
Fred also trained and ready for the decisive duel against Olimpia on Wednesday, 29, in Asuncion, Paraguay. And you tricolor? Already secured their ticket? There is little vague. Ensure your (http://www.fluminense.com.br/site/futebol/2013/05/23/olimpia-x-flu-ingressos-para-quem-for-a-assuncao/) .
Author: Corporate Communications / FFC
Photos: Bruno Haddad / Fluminense FC

Posted on April 8, 2013 at 14h18
AUDIO: Victor Favilla talks about the situation of players

The coordinator of the Medical Department of Fluminense, Victor Favilla, granted on Monday, 8, a press conference to talk about the situation of players who are under treatment. The striker Fred, who was injured in Saturday's game against the Resende had a muscle injury. Already Rhayner, who also was injured in the game, should be no problem to face Gremio. Another good news was on the recovery of Thiago Neves, who is now in transition to the field.
- This is not meniscal injury, is not articulate. Fred does not have to undergo any surgery. The lesion Fred is one of the muscles that are above the knee. This lesion is going to receive treatment of muscle damage at the back of the knee. Our forecast is around 21 days, which may be more or less.
According Favilla, Rhayner will be released for the game with the Guild and Thiago Neves began his transition from the Medical Department for the physical preparation.
- The Rhayner felt pain, but is well and will be released for the game, no problem. The athlete's normal to feel pain, it is common. He is being treated, but is released. The Valencia felt the calf will be submitted later an imaging test and is out of the game. Thiago Neves is in transition in the field, a good evolution. Diguinho is now also in transition. The not still feel a little pain in the knee, is being evaluated every day. Once the pain better, will be released for training and play. Today he still had some pain and therefore did specific training in the field. If this pain it tomorrow to allow the gesture that makes a game, it will be released - said the doctor.
Check out the press conference in full, the coordinator of the Medical Department, Victor Favilla.

Posted on March 12, 2013 at 18h44
AUDIO: Dr. Ricardo Olivero talks about Thiago Neves and Wellington Silva
The Medical Department has updated clinical report Fluminense players on the squad in treatment. By Dr. Ricardo Olivero, department ruled on athletes Thiago Neves, Wellington Silva, and Anderson Deco.
Half is about to become the most capped player in the Libertadores Flu

http://www.fluminense.com.br/site/futebol/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Thiago-Recorde-Libertadores.jpg (http://www.fluminense.com.br/site/futebol/2013/02/12/thiago-neves-esta-prestes-a-se-tornar-o-jogador-que-mais-atuou-pelo-flu-em-libertadores/t-2/)

Another record in sight, another step in the history Tricolor. Continuing his successful career at Fluminense midfielder Thiago Neves is about to become the most capped player for the club in the Copa Libertadores. The midfielder is tied with Argentine Dario Conca, with 22 matches in the competition, and may exceed the mark in the match against Caracas, on Wednesday, 13 in Venezuela. Thiago has the exact notion of the importance that the competition has for the club and for his career.
─ I feel flattered to participate in a competition so difficult, as desired by the club and the fans. Fluminense was the club that opened the doors for me in Brazil and nothing is more fair than reaching that mark, I started building in 2008, with the shirt Tricolor ─ highlighted the half.
And records do not stop there. Thiago Neves is also the player who netted over Fluminense in the main South American competition with seven goals scored.
─ It is a very good brand for any player and I am happy to reach it, even for Fluminense. I hope to score more goals, more often wear this shirt and join the club's history ─ completed.

Posted on January 19, 2012 at 12h44
Thiago Neves back home and have gala reception in the Grand Hall


Thiago Neves is back. For the third time in his career, the player will wear the shirt of Fluminense. And receive hands tricolor board on Friday, the 20th, at 12, in the Main Hall Club in Orange. The presentation of the newest enhancement will be followed by a press conference.
Name: Thiago Neves Augusto
Born: 27/02/1985, Curitiba (PR)
Weight: 70Kg
Height: 1.82 m
Games: 109
Wins: 54
Draws: 31
Losses: 24
Goals: 39
Premiere in 2007
24/01/2007 - Fluminense 1 x Friburguense 0 (Campeonato Carioca)
Premiere in 2009
08/02/2009 - Fluminense 0 x 0 Vasco (Campeonato Carioca)

Posted on January 17, 2012 at 21h29
He's back: Fluminense hits hiring of midfielder Thiago Neves


Now, it's official. Fluminense Football Club announced the settlement with the player Thiago Neves. All financial negotiations have been successfully completed, leaving only the last paperwork. The athlete must be submitted by the end of the week. Hiring Thiago Neves is the result of partnership Fluminense / Unimed and represents a great enhancement for the season.

Soon after hitting his move to Fluminense player Thiago Neves thanked the efforts of the club and the sponsor the opportunity to wear the shirt again tricolor.
- I thank President Peter Siemsen and Dr. Celso Barros to be coming home. Feel the comfort, enjoyment and safety to defend the club that helped me grow in this profession. Fluminense is with a strong cast, with conditions to fight for all the titles and I am coming to add. You can count on my commitment - said Thiago.

Posted on January 17, 2012 at 21h01
Wagner and fight for vague: "Headache very good for Abel"

Diego Cavalieri, Bruno, Leandro Eusebio, Anderson and Charlie; Edinho Diguinho, Wagner and Deco, Rafael Sobis and Fred. This is the first team that Abel Braga formed in the preseason, but beyond those already competing for vacancies among the eleven, the cast just won Thiago Neves. How to fit so much talent on the same team?
- It will be a headache too good for Abel. When he decides which player will go, we know that the chosen will give your maximum and Fluminense will be well represented. Thiago Neves is a great player, a champion with the club shirt and will be very well received by all

لن اتكبد عناء ترجمة الأخبار المؤرشفة في الموقع الرسمي لنادي فلومينزي ولكن بالإختصار الشديد اللاعب بدّع خلال عام ونصف مع ناديه سجل وصنع الاهداف وصعد منصة تتويج مرة على الأقل وشارك في احتفالات واثنى عليه مدربه وزملائه مرات عديده وتحدث في مؤتمرات صحفية قبل المباريات الهامة واخذت منه تصاريح صحفية بواسطة مشرفي موقع النادي مرئية ومسموعة ومكتوبة, أصيب كما يصاب أي لاعب وتعافى وعاد للتمارين قبل أن يستلم الذيب تدريب الزعيم

فكرت أن أبحث عن أخبار اللاعب من مواقع أندية منافسة فوجدت التحذير من خطورته وضرورة مراقبته بشدة .
لم أجد أحد يتحدث عن إصابته, يوجد بودكاست لطبيب النادي يتحدث عن الإصابة وهو موجود في أرشيف الأخبار في موقع النادي لمن يريد أن ينزله.

لا أستطيع إلا التكهن بأن أحد أهم أسباب تخلي فلومينزي عن نيفيز هو الضائقة المالية التي يعاني منها الفريق وعدم إستطاعة النادي اكمال قيمة عقده خصوصاً إن كان العقد يتضمن شروطاُ جزائية في حالة عدم الإلتزام بالسداد في المواعيد المحددة وهو ما حدث للزعيم قبل موسمين أعتقد في عقد اللاعب نفسه !!

أرجو الفائدة للزعماء من هذا الجهد البسيط وفالكم الذهب مع الذيب بعون الله