المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Following the Four Madhaabs ?

أهــل الحـديث
28-04-2013, 03:50 AM
أهل - الحديث - حديث شريف - محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قرأن كريم

what is the ruling of following the four(04) mazhab (Maliki, Shafi,Hanfi, Hanbali). should we follow them blindly (doing taqleed) any one of them or if we find any authentic hadith against fatwa of any imam. so we should follow hadith or imam sayings? i m talking about regarding common people. not for Ulamahs. In my country the Ahlulhadith (salafies) totally rejected the blind following of any imam. they said you have Quran & Sunnah. so you don't need to go for any imam. if you find any difficulty regarding any issue then you should ask them with Ullmahs but there is no need to do follow blindly any one of them. (Note: The Ahlulhadith Scholars are not follower of any fiqahi Imam. they directly follow the Quran & authentic hadith. they respect all imams. they are not blind followers. but certainly they are very nearest to Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal mazhab in majority of issues. they follow saying of Ibn Tahmiyyah as well specially in divorce issue. kindly answer me with you respectable views.


Your Brother …………Pakistan.

Bismillehir ‘Rahmeni Raheem, then:

Barakallahu Fik for your respect,

01-know that the Four Imams followed the Sunnah of the Prophet SAWS, and supported and collected it, and no one of them has made an Ijtihad against the Sunnah intentionally, because this is a clear misguidance.

02-the Four Imams and the other scholars didn't allow to follow anyone of them in all what he says, and they adviced the Ummah to reject their opinions if they contradicts an authentic Hadeeth..and we consider who follows one of them blindly in all what he has said believing that he was right in all his Madhab as Misguided one.

03-we have to understand that the muslims are Not one level in knowledge, some of them A’waam(normal/common) and some are students of knowledge, and some are scholars, and every one has his detailed ruling regarding how to take the Ahkam of Allah Azza wa jalla:
A-the A’mmi(normal) Muslim, who does not understand what is a Daleel, what is a Hukm, what is a Madhab, what is the way of deriving the Rules, what is Ijtihaad...and this is the vast majority of the Muslims, His duty when he needs to know the Hukm of Allah Subhanah is to ask the scholar whom he trusts. because he can not derive Ahkaam from the sources, and Allah Subhanah ordered him to ask the people of knowledge if he doesn’t know. at the same time it is required from him to learn the basics of his Deen.
B-the Student of Islamic knowledge: are not equal also: but all of them should(as the best way of learning, and this is the way of the scholars since the time of the Salaf and the old traditional scholars) to start learning: following a madhab from the Four. then moving step by step towards Taqleed then to Ittebaa'(following a Madhab but may choose the authentic and reject the weak views) and then Ijtihad (which is also 7 levels.) so no one of the scholars moved from a new small and beginner student to a Mujtaheed as nowadays students want!! but all the scholars during the history used to follow this methodology and way. and Ijtihaad is a provision is a Rizq from Allah not given to all the students !! we can see from the reality and the history ..how many student were, and exists today? and how many mujtaheed we have? not every one claims Ijtihad (which means basically the ability of deriving the Ahkaam from the Quran and the Sunnah directly..) we accept him and we follow him !! only those who got the conditions mentioned in the last part of the Ussul books(Babul Ijtihad and Shorutul Mufti..)

So , it is not permissible to follow the Imams blindly and at the same time it is Haram that every muslim takes the Ahkaam directly from the Sources, and this is a major Bida'a (innovation) in Islam which has never been supported !!

04-regarding: the salafies follow the Quran and Sunnah directly, being close to Madhab Ahmad ! and then Ibn Taymyah may Allah have mercy on them, I say: .. We have said that it is not permissible to claim Ijtihad under the umbrella of "salafyah" or Ibn Taymyah...The Salaf are the three generations, they disagreed between the selves in many many issues, and not all of these generations were scholars nor Mujtahedeen, even among the Sahabah, that’s why they followed each other. The Sahaba also rejected some views of some other Sahabah..without insulting nor claiming the Haq(truth) :is mine or yours !
The one thing they didn’t not differed about it is the major Issues of A'aqeedah, they differed even in some branches in A'aqeedah and peacefully they accepted the case of Khilaaf. so what is the way of Salaf some people today claim to follow? it is to follow the Ijma'a(consensus) and the general way how to deal with Wahy(revelation) in deriving the Ahkaam, using the Quran and the Sunnah as the main Sources...even if we may have different views, then the scholars follow what they believe truth, and the rest of the Ummah follow the view of the scholar they believe is more authentic and close to Sharee'ah. So we all follow the Salaf in their way of A'aaqeedah and the way of Fiqh ! because we don't say for example that the Quran is Makhlooq(created) but it is Allah's word !! etc etc ..the salaf had never one opinion in Fiqh!! Subhanallah ..only in Baghded(Iraq) there were about 100 scholars, each one was considered as an independent Madhab, that’s was in the second century !

-Regarding following Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymyah and Ahmad Ibn hanbal the Imam of Ahlussunnah..isn't this a Taqleed? or only following both of them is AN EXCEPTION FROM Taqleed? if I follow Abu Haneefah is blind Taqleed, and if I follow Ahmad is not?
Imam Ahmad one of the Mujtahedeen, His madhad is one of the Sunni Madhabs which is followed in some countries similarly the rest of Madhabs, so no priority for it on the other Madhabs, He supported Imam Malik and His chain of Hadeeth and views many Times in his Fatwah , HERE we understand that we -today -are faaaaaaaar away from them and from their way. thus, Ibn Taymyyah is a Mujtaheed in the Hanbaly Madhab, His Ussul are Hanbalies as he says, however he has a specific book :”the Priority of the Madhab of Imam Malik and Ahlul Madinah, and the truthfulness of its Ussul”. He made Ijtihaad, in some he is right and in others he was wrong, because NO ONE OF OUR SCHOLARS IS A PROPHET. THE HAQ(truth) is the goal and aim of all of the Imams and Mujtaheeds , all of us we claim to find it , but Only Allah knows it as it is in its reality. I myself-and I am Maliky- I supported many views of Ibn Taymyyah today in some researches and thesis..because the Fatwa may change according to the time, place and the Situation(as Ibnul Al qayyeem says).
-More we have knowledge more we are close to the Salaf, we love them but: love is not enough, we need knowledge and when I say knowledge I say this word from my heart because its way is hard and long.
this is my clear answer for many bro/sis who sent me this question, and others didn't, but they were waiting a clarification in this matter.
I ask Allah Alhidayah and Tawfeeq.

All Reguards.

Muhammad Badreddine Tachouche, Agadir, Morocco, 27-04-2013.

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