المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حل واجب T215a بإحتراف 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - ([email protected])

08-04-2013, 06:20 PM
T215A: Communication and information technologies (I)
__________________________________________________ ____________________________

Question 1 (Solved in a Group):

Read the article described as “Reading 6” entitled “The intellectual challenge of CSCW” which is attached to this TMA, and answer the following questions:
1) In no more than 300 words, discuss the idea “social-technical gap” presented in the paper by the author. (9 Marks)
2) In no more than 200 words, discuss the idea that “computational entities such as information transfer, roles, and policies need to be flexible nuanced, and conualized similar to human activity”. (6 Marks)
3) Briefly explain CSCW role in finding ways to manage the problems and trade-offs resulting from conflict and coordination. (5 Marks)
4) Using your own words, summarize TWO of the CSCW findings discussed in the paper. (10 Marks)

Question 2 (Solved in a Group):
This question carries 35% of the marks for this assignment.

Imagine that you work for an ICT consultancy company. Your company sends out a short report about a different technology each year. The purpose of these reports is to help the mid-level technicians to keep abreast of some technical concepts and terms. This year your company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has decided that the short report will be about High-speed packet access (HSPA), and you have been asked to write it.

Your brief should include the following items:
• What is HSPA? (8 Marks)
• Some technical details about HSPA. (8 Marks)
• HSPA advanes and shores, if any. (8 Marks)
• The maximum permitted number of diagrams and/or tables is two. (4 Marks)
• There must be at least two sections (4 Marks)
• The number of words must be between 450 and 500 inclusive (3 Marks)

Question 3 (To be Solved Individually):
1) Discuss and elaborate your own and individual contribution in solving “Question 1” of this TMA. (6 Marks)
2) Discuss and elaborate your own and individual contribution in solving “Question 2” of this TMA. (9 Marks)

Question 4 (To be Solved Individually):

Search for the following article from the :
“Robert W. Lucky, "Are Social Technologies Really Invented?", IEEE Spectrum, May 2011.”
Then write a summary discussing the article’s main idea. This summary aims to explain the general, yet important idea of social technologies to intermediate level reader. It must cover the most important aspects of the topic from the author perspective.

حل واجب T215a بإحتراف 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - ([email protected])
حل واجب T215a بإحتراف 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - ([email protected])
حل واجب T215a بإحتراف 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - ([email protected])
حل واجب T215a بإحتراف 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - ([email protected])
حل واجب T215a بإحتراف 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - ([email protected])