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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حل واجب T325 مهندس 0544321455 - 00966544321455 - [email protected]

25-03-2013, 02:00 AM
T325: Technologies for digital media

T325: TMA, Spring 2013

Question 1
« Supercapacitors » are challenging the dominance of lithium batteries as energy storage elements to power modern electronic gadgets (mobile phones, tablets, etc.)
Using the AOU e-library or any other Internet reliable resource, you are asked to prepare a short report about supercapacitors for portable devices.
You report should include the following information:
• Introduction about supercapacitors (how they work) (5 marks)
• Advanes of supercapacitors compared to Lithium batteries (10 marks)
• Difficulties to use of supercapacitors in portable devices (10 marks)

Question 2
Convolutional encoding is used in different communication technologies to detect and correct transmission errors. In a convolutional code, each m-bit information symbol to be encoded is transformed into an n-bit, where m/n is the code rate (n ≥ m) and the transformation is a function of the last k information bits, where k is the constraint length of the code. [1].

The figure above represents the internal structure of a convolutional encoder. This encoder has one input bit (I), three shift registers (R1, R2 and R3), three XOR gates (+ sign) and three outputs (O1, O2 and O3). The three registers are initialized to zero. Note that (A XOR B XOR C) = (A XOR B) XOR C.
a) d on the definitions mentioned above, what are the code rate and the constraint length of this convolutional encoder? Justify your answer (4 marks)
b) Consider the following symbol: 10110 to be encoded using this convolutional encoder. What is the encoded symbol? The sequence of input bits starts with the most significant bit of the symbol (1) and ends with the least significant bit (0). You SHOULD detail your answer by drawing the detailed state of the encoder (the value of the three registers, inputs of XOR gates) for each input bit and the corresponding output bits. Providing the final answer only is not acceptable (15 marks)
c) Express each of the three output bits (O1, O2 and O3) as a function of the input bit (I) and the value of three registers ((R1, R2 and R3) (6 marks)
d) The trellis diagram is a way to represent the operation of the convolutional encoder. It has a number of levels that correspond to the different possible states of the encoder and the transition between the different states d on the input bit. The transition between two levels (states) is represented by an arrow going from one level to another level. The arrow is labeled with the input bit and the corresponding output bits (between parenthesis). d on this definition, answer the following questions:
i. How many levels the trellis diagram of the convolutional encoder (illustrated in the figure above) has? (2 marks)
ii. Draw the trellis diagram of the convolutional encoder. You can use the result of part c) to simplify the elaboration of this diagram. (13 marks)
Question 3
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is “the industry-leading technology and de-facto standard connecting high-definition (HD) equipment, from HDTVs and personal computers to cameras, camcorders, tablets, Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, smart phones, and just about any other device capable of sending or receiving an HD signal” [2].
The specifications of the HDMI evolved from version 1.0 (December 2002) to 2.0 (ongoing work – will be released in the first half 2013). In this question, you are asked to describe this evolution by indicating the difference improvements (maximum throughputs, color depth, etc.) between the different specifications.
Question 4
Many people consider Copyright laws (with the associated complexity and bureaucracy) as a limitation to creativity. This led to the emergence of a number of concepts that try to solve the copyright-laws issues while not discarding the concept of copyright. One of them is the “Share Alike” introduced by the Creative Common (CC) movement [3] (you have been introduced to the CC in Block 2 of T325).
Using AOU E-Library and/or any other Internet reliable resources, present
• The ives of this movement (5 marks)
• The different license elements defined by the CC (6 marks)
• The possible licenses available. (9 marks)
Support your explanation by providing examples of Copyrighted material protected under each type of license.
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قسم خاص لواجبات التربية لجميع التخصصات ولجميع المستويات
حل واجب t325 tma
مهندس مدرس خاص ([email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455) حل واجب t325 الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجب t325 مدرس خاص خصوصي ([email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455)حل واجب الجامعةالعربية المفتوحة t325
مدرس خاص خصوصي t325 m حل واجب حلول واجبات شرح ([email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455)الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
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مدرس خاص ([email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455)حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة t325
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شرح مواد الجامعةالعربية المفتوحة
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حل واجب حلول واجبات الجامعةالعربية المفتوحة t325 t325
مدرس خاص خصوصي [email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455شرح المادة حل واجبات واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة tma01 tma02 tma3 t325 t325 part t325 part1 part2 -
مدرس خاص خصوصي [email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455 شرح المادة حل واجبات حل واجب الجامعةالعربية المفتوحة tma01tma02 tma3 t325 t325 t325 part1 part2
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حلول واجبات ومشاريع الجامعة العربية المفتوحة حل واجب t325 tma
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حل واجب t325 TMA01 ايميل : [email protected] او اتصل : 0544321455 - 00966544321455 الكويت مدرس خاص لحلول الواجبات