المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Interpreting dreams

عالي مستواهـ
02-05-2006, 11:22 AM
I found this topic in a website ,an I hope everybody will enjoy it

Interpreting dreams

Many of you are probably hoping for a quick interpretation of last night's amazing visitation. Dream dictionaries are fun and sometimes helpful when you are stumped about the meaning of an image or symbol in your dreams. However, there's something even more important than that. You need a method more than a dictionary, an attitude more than an answer, when you work with your dreams.
If you see life as a process of growth, then your dreams can be viewed as guideposts along the way, pointing out something you may have overlooked in your haste. Contemplation is in order! A dream may highlight a conflict or decision you need to resolve. A dream may tell you that "this one thing" is the the most important thing for you to do or think about today.
Perhaps your dream is reminding you that there is a thread of life and meaning running deeper than your daily routine that you need to grab hold of for a time. One of the most satisfying type of dreams is a message that you are finally ready to hear. Up it floats from your unconscious, ready to be integrated with your waking life.

Types of dreams

There are different types of dreams, of course. Prophetic or telepathic dreams, problem-solving dreams (aha!), recurring dreams, lucid dreams, nightmares, and others. However, a good general rule is that the majority of your dreams, over time, are about you: your worldview, conflicts, fears, loves, and progress through life.
Your dream may be very specific and down-to-earth about something going on right now in your life. Or you may have a dream that requires a bird's-eye kind of perspective, as if you are looking at the events from a great height or with the perspective of a lot of human history behind it (or a lot of your history behind it). As you follow your dreams over time, you'll begin to understand what each dream requires of you.

The people, animals, and objects
in your dreams

Often, the people in your dream represent qualities, not the literal, actual people represented. If you dream about a particular movie star, should you assume you have a crush on that person? Not necessarily! Some movie stars play a particular type of character over and over again, so your dreaming mind can point to that person symbolically and you know what personality, character trait, or situation is being alluded to.

thank you all


ღ حمــ الـ H ــورد ـــرة ღ
04-05-2006, 07:36 AM
[ Often, the people in your dream represent qualities, not the literal, actual people represented. If you dream about a particular movie star, should you assume you have a crush on that person? Not necessarily! Some movie stars play a particular type of character over and over again, so your dreaming mind can point to that person symbolically and you know what personality, character trait, or situation is being alluded to.


oh ,my God
my dreams are alawys concerned with my college :زعلان:

I get sick of it :11bomb:

there is one dream i really love

I dreamed once of a movie star :vampire:

and I was working for him :artist:

what does this mean ????:11bomb: :11bomb:

I dont like to dream of them any more
:11bomb: :زعلان:

thanks abunch

my brother

عالي مستواهـ
06-05-2006, 11:49 AM
Not at all sis

I'm not a professional in this field

but I expected that you'll be a great woman in your life >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a successful woman {{{{ not a :biggrin: business woman huhuhuhuhu}}}} ensha Allah you'll serve which you think is right and It will be correct


عالي مستواهـ
06-05-2006, 11:50 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> اليوم ما هو عالم نفسي ولا عالم لغة <<<<<<<<<<< مفسر احلام معتبر ههههههههههههههه:هاها: :هاها:




thank you rose red


كل الفخر
06-05-2006, 10:49 PM
لو سمحت يا ابن سيرين الانجليزي

عندي كم حلم ممكن تفسر لي إياهم:biggrin:

( مسكين صار عنده جنون العظمة)

الله يستر من الجاي

thanks knowledge

عالي مستواهـ
08-05-2006, 08:45 AM
:11umbup: كل الفخر
جنون العظمة والا ياسر العظمة اللي في مسلسل مرايا هههههههههههههه:هاها:




بعدين هذا مو غرور هذي ثقة في النفس يا بنت لا تخليني اعصب هههههههههه :biggrin: ترا اذا عصبت مراح يحصل طيب

يعني عيني حمراء بقوة:11bomb:

انتبهي تراني من حزب المعارضة ههههههههههههههههه:هاها:


بسوي حملة ضد حزب المشرفات



كل الفخر
08-05-2006, 09:29 AM





poor boy

you are the big LOSER

عالي مستواهـ
09-05-2006, 09:30 AM
:icon_frow :icon_frow

this is the last three weeks in your forum

I'm gonna leave you alone


I enjoyed sharing you my thoughts and opinions

gooooooooood beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey

good bey is the sadest word I'll ever hear

good bey is the last time I'll hold you near

someday you'll say that word and I will cry

it'll break my heart to hear you say good bey

