المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عامل تفتيت الصخور فائق الصمت (High Range Soundless Cracking Agent)

04-12-2012, 04:00 PM
Soundless Cracking Agent

Deion:Our High Soundless Cracking Agent ( HSCA ) are Non-explosive demolition Agents, chemical
: Calcium Hydroxide, is a new commercial product which is an alternative to explosives and gas
pressure blasting products used in demolition, mining, and quarrying.

The use of the non-explosive demolition agents in rock demolition or quarrying is very easy, holes are
simply drilled in the rock like they would be drilled with the conventional explosives. Then a slurry
mixture of the non-explosive demolition agent and water is poured into it. Over the next few hours the
slurry expands, cracking the rock in a pattern just as like as it would occur with a conventional explosives.

Our High Range Soundless Cracking Agent (HSCA) offers many advanes including the fact that it’s silent and do not produce vibration the way a conventional explosive would. In some applications conventional
explosives are more economical than non-explosive demolition agents. In many countries these are
available without restriction unlike explosives which are highly regulated.

These agents are much safer than explosives, but as any other products it is important to follow directions closely in order to avoid steam explosions during the first few hours after these materials are placed.
Our High Range Soundless Cracking Agent is a non-explosive demolition agent that has the ability to safely demolish rocks, reinforced concrete and cement without producing noise, vibrations, debris launches or
environmental pollution. Carrying out the demolition HSCA requires only the drilling of the rock or cement to be able to drain the HSCA and water mixture into the holes. The demolition is completed with utmost safety without the use of any protection as in the case of conventional explosives.

Type and Temperature scope:
Since the temperature is an important element that influences the reaction time of the HSCA, Prodemo
decided to be specialized in the production of 4 types of HSCA which are adapted to different temperature
levels as you can see in the following table:

HSCA Type Temperature level
C1 25ºC-40ºC
C2 10ºC-25ºC
C3 5ºC-10ºC
C4 40ºC-55ºC

Note: The HSCA C4 Type is specially designed for the Saudi Arabia extremely high temperature .

HSCA advane:
1. The fastest cut speed, and the most powerful expansive pressure, SCA-I,35ºC,30 Mpa at 8 hrs, 55 Mpa at 24 hrs. SCA-II,25ºC,20 Mpa at 8 hrs,45Mpa at 24 hrs.
An average of 5-6 hours to safely demolish rocks
2. Suitable even for non free surface and very tough rocks fracture, like the case of the Saudi Makkah area.
3. Safe, without blown-out shot during usage.
4. Strongest packing that assures a safe transportation.
5. The CaO percene is 95% higher than in the expansive mortar.
6. Oversize horizontal rotary kiln.
7. HSCA is in grey or balck.
8. Max hole diameter for HSCA is 45-65mm, normally diameter is from 30-40mm.
9. Burning temperature of HSCA is over 1450 Degree Celsius.
10. The HSCA C4 is specially designed for the extremely high temperature zones like the case of Saudi

Prodemo profile & market share:
From 1991, Prodemo as world-class role is committed to R&D and provides the best products and services
for worldwide rock demo construction industry.
We have been the earliest and leading manufacturer and exporter of HSCA for the Saudi rock demolition
market from 1999, especially in the area of Makah AL Mkaramah city.
The market feed backs that we are getting are extremely encouraging about the HSCA’s super quality, and stable, sustainable and reliable performance which makes it recognized as a well-known popular brand in
the middle east demolition construction market, especially in the kingdom of Saudi arabia.
Which lead us after years of efforts, to a monthly export average of 25-30 containers that means 500-600
tons to Saudi Arabia, and an increasing market share close to 50%, and we are still willing to work harder
to take up more and more challenges.

http://www.prodrill.com.cn/uploadfile/201112211481589174.jpg http://www.prodrill.com.cn/images/turnleft.gifhttp://www.prodrill.com.cn/images/turnright.gif
Product features:
Within 3-6 hours safely demolish rocks with free surface or concrete,Higher expansive pressure 1.5-2 times than normal stone cracking powder,Without blown-out shot during appplication. Safety Certificate、MSDS
http://www.prodrill.com.cn/images/downfile.jpg (http://www.prodrill.com.cn/uploadfile/20126111552083251) http://www.prodrill.com.cn/images/video.jpg

Prostar Expansive Mortar is a non-explosive demolition agent that has the ability to safely demolish rocks, reinforced concrete and cement without producing noise, vibrations, debris launches or environmental pollution.Carrying out Prostar requires only the drilling of the rock or cement to be able to drain the Prostar and water misture into the holes. The demolition is completed with utmost safetywithout the use of any protection as in the case of conventional explosives.
Type and Temperature scope:

Since the temperature is an important element that influences the reaction time of the Prostar, Prodemo decided to be specialized in the production of 4 types of Prostar which are adapted to different temperature levels as you can see in the following table:


Note: The Prostar C4 Type is specially designed for the Saudi Arabia extremely high temperature,mostly for Makkah’s area

عامل تفتيت الصخور فائق الصمت

(High Range Soundless Cracking Agent)

تعريف المنتوج:

عامل تفتيت الصخور فائق الصمت الذي تنتجه شركتنا هو منتوج كيميائي غير متفجر لتفتيت الصخور و تدعى هذه المادة الكيميائية هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم و و هي عبارة على مسحوق اسمنتي قوي الفعالية قد أصبح هذا المنتوج الحديث يستخدم بكثرة كبديل للمتفجرات العادية و مواد ضغط الغاز للتفجير المستعملة للهدم و التعدين و الحفر.

كما أن هذه المادة المفتتة للصخور سهلة الاستعمال، فيكفي أن يتم تحديد الأماكن المناسبة للأرخام مثل الطريقة المعمول بها مع المواد المتفجرة لتفتيت الصخور العادية ثم يتم ملأ هذه الثقوب بالخليط المتجانس المتحصل عليه بعد مجز الHSCA مع الماء، حينها تبدأ عملية التفاعل و ظهور الشقوق الأولا بعد بضع ساعات من سكب المزيج و يتواصل هذا التفاعل حتى حدوث أقصى اتساع ممكن للشقوق.

إن منتوجنا أي الHSCA متعدد المميزات و من بينها نذكر كتمه للصوت و عدم إحداثه لأي نوع من أنواع الاهتزازات أو الافرازات الملوثة على عكس المنتوجات المتفجرة لتفتيت الصخور العادية. كما أنه مرخص به في العديد من الدول و لا يحتاج إستعماله إلى أي نوع من التراخيص الخاصة.

وهذا المنتوج سهل و آمن الاستعمال؛ كل ما في يتطلب فعله هو اتباع طريقة الاستعمال، و هو لا يستحق إلى متخصصين في هذه المادة و يمكن إجادة استخدامه في وقت موجز.

الصنف حسب درجة الحرارة :

لأن عامل درجة حرارة الجو عامل هام لتحديد نوعية المادة التي يستوجب استخدامها ويؤثر على وقت عملية التفاعل، فإن شركة برودامو قررت أن تختص في إنتاج 4 أصناف مختلفة من HSCA الموافقة لدرجات الحرارة المختلفة و هي:

درجة الحرارة
25ºC - 40ºC
10ºC - 25ºC
5ºC - 10ºC
40ºC - 55ºC

ملاحظة: الصنف C4 تم تصميمه خصيصا لدرجات الحرارة المرتفعة المتواجدة بالمملكة العربية السعودية.

مزايا استخدام الHSCA:

- قوي الضغط 20 Mpa في 8 سعات و 45 Mpa في 24 ساعة، و سريع المفعول.

- يمكن استعمالها في المساحة المغلقة و أيضا مع الصخور الصلبة مثلما هو الحال في المملكة العربية السعودية منطقة مكة المكرمة.

- آمن الاستعمال و لا ينتج غازات ضارة.

- محكم التعليب بحيث تضمن جودة المنتوج و سلامة نقله.

- نسبت هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم فيه هي 95% أي تفوق مادة تفتيت الصخور العادية.

- لون ال HSCA رمادي أو أسود.
1.Export packaging

1. التعليب مطابق لمقاييس التصدير:






2.Marble demolition

2. تفتيت الرخام:


3.Rock demolition in Mikka Saudi

3. تفتيت الصخور بالمملكة العربية السعودية مدينة مكة المكرمة:
