تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : صفحه معروضه لإختبار الصف الثاني ثانوي

ريـــم الـــفلا
16-11-2005, 11:19 PM
2nd Secondary
Mid-Term Exam

__________________________________________________ ________________ I-Conversation: Complete the following conversation:
A boy is talking to a telephone operator .
Operator :Civil Defense ……………………?
Boy: Yes .There is a shop on fire .Please send……………….
Boy: Muhammad Al-Ahmad.
Operator:Is anyone still inside the building ?
Boy :……………………….
__________________________________________________ ________________IIII- Composition: Write a paragraph about accidents in the home .
[children – active – things –mothers – kitchen – cuts – fall – repairs – precautions – first aid ]

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______

III -Comprehension:Read then answer the questions :
Pollution has become one of the biggest problems .The main reason for pollution is waste ,some thing which is no longer needed. Some waste is dangerous because it contains poisons .We can burn it .But this will produce poisonous smoke and gases .Better we can change it into something useful .This is called recycling .

1- What is the main cause for pollution ?
2-Which is better , to burn waste or recycle it ?
3- Why is some waste dangerous ?
IV – Grammar: Do as shown between brackets :
1-It is fun to exercise. [Change this sentence using v-ing ]
2-Add ing to the verb :
3-Make a question:
The book describes______
__________________________________________________ _______________________VV-Choose the correct words :
smoke – develop – rescue - spilled
1-Firemen …………..people.
2-Ali………..the milk over his clothes.
3-If you …………,you can harm your lungs .
4-It is easy to ………….colds in winter .
__________________________________________________ _________________VI-Reader: Match:
1-Which word say something about persons age ? a-realize
2-Which word tells you what to do ? b-adult
3-Which word means to know and understand c-define
4-Which word means to explain the meaning of a word? d-advice

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2nd Secondary
Ministry of Education First-Term Exam
School Final Exam1426-1427
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Conversation,Composition,Comprehension,Grammar,Wor d-study,Reader's:
Complete the following conversation:
A boy is talking to a telephone operator .
Operator :Civil Defense ……………………?
Boy: Yes .There is a shop on fire .Please send……………….
Boy: Muhammad Al-Ahmad.
Operator:Is anyone still inside the building ?
Boy :……………………….
__________________________________________________ ______________________
II-Composition: Write a paragraph about Different life styles in Saudi Arabia .
Guide words:[ change –houses –water –schooling –sick –concrete –government –medicine –free –straw ]
…………………………………………� �…………………………………………� ��………

…………………………………………� �…………………………………………� ��………
…………………………………………� �…………………………………………� ��………
…………………………………………� �…………………………………………� ��…………..……………………………� ��………………………………………… …………………………………………� �…………………………………………� ��………………………………………… …………………………………………� �…………………………………………� ��………………………………………… …………………………………………� �………………..………………………� �…………………………………………� ��………………
__________________________________________________ ______________________
III-Comprehension: Read then answer the questions:
I believe that smoking in public areas should be prohibited by law. If people do not want to stop smoking, that is their right . Let them smoke at home. As a nonsmoker, I object to have to breathe in their cigarette smoke in restaurants , trains and even on the streets .Studies show that inhaling second-hand smoke is dangerous. You can not help breathing it even in a large room. And just imagine working in such conditions. I am a waiter in a restaurant that accommodates smokers. I have to endure dealing with customers in the smoke section. If I refuse working in the section, I may lose my job. Making smoking illegal in public places would protect my job and my health. May be it would even make more smokers to give up smoking.
1-What do studies show?
…………………………………………� �..
2-What may happen if the waiter refuses to work in the smoking section?
…………………………………………� �………………..
3-Can you help breathing smoke in a large room?
…………………………………………� �…………………
4-How should smoking be prohibited in public places?
…………………………………………� �………………….
5 –a The waiter is a non smoker. [T –F ] [ CHOOSE]
b-He wants people to smoke in restaurants. [T –F ]
c-Breathing cigarette smoke is dangerous. [T –F ]
d-Making smoking illegal in public places would make more smokers to give up.[T–F]
__________________________________________________ ________________
IV-Grammar: Do as shown between brackets:
1-This is my father who works as a policeman. [Shorten the sentences]
…………………………………………� �……………………….
2-She listened to a story. [ Use ''used to'' ]
…………………………………………� �………………………..
3 – It is fun to exercise. [Change this sentence using v-ing ]
4 –Before I slept, I [ eat] my dinner . [Correct]
5 –-Add 'ing' to the verb :
6 –If I [ am –were –was ] a bird, I [ would –will ]fly. [Choose]
__________________________________________________ __________________________V-Word-study: a- Choose the correct words:
provide –cancer –large –rescue –through
1-………………is a danger disease.
2-They live in a ………………..house.
3-Lamps………………us with light.
4- I learn sewing………………watching my mother.
5 –Firemen …………..people.
b –Choose the suitable word:-
1-Islam reached the [continent –border –city ]of China .
2-Two teams are playing [before –around –against ]each other .
3-Dammam is on the east [ocean –coast –island ] .
4-Ali [cooked –wrote –spilled ] the milk on his clothes .
5-It is easy to [develop –rescue –give ] cold in winter .
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Reader's: Match :
1- something that covers the whole body a-more over
2-a word that means also b-skin
3-Which word tells you what to do ? c-realize
4-Which word means know or understand d-advice

16-11-2005, 11:31 PM
الله يعطيك العافية اختي

ريـــم الـــفلا
17-11-2005, 12:05 AM
الله يعافيك أبو عبد الرحمن

شاكرين لك المرور

ام مهدي
06-12-2005, 11:34 PM
يعطيك العافية اختي

ريـــم الـــفلا
09-12-2005, 01:16 AM
حيا الله أم مهدي
والله يعافيك يارب

22-12-2005, 05:31 PM
جزاك الله خير وماقسرت

ريـــم الـــفلا
23-12-2005, 10:32 PM
مرورك أبو ماجد هو وحده مايستحق الشكر


01-01-2006, 12:23 PM
الله يجزاك خير

أختك .. عاشقة العقيدة

أم سعد 6
18-10-2009, 01:17 AM
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

29-09-2011, 08:43 AM
يعطيك العافيه

11-01-2013, 02:53 PM
يعطيك العافيه