المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نماذج اختبار انجليزي للصف الرابع الفترة الرابعة

حواء غرابيل
17-02-2012, 03:00 PM
One (30 marks)

I-Vocabulary (8 marks)

(A) Fill in with words from the list :- (4×1=4ms)

(farther – cut down – sword - rugs)

1. The Saudi flag has got a white …………………..

2. People in Oman make …………………… from goat's hair.

3. The planets that are ………………… away from the sun are colder.

4. It is bad to ………………… lots of trees.

(B) Write the words under the correct headings : (4×1=4ms)

( planets – Syria – stars – honey - Saudi Arabia )








II-Structure (6marks)

Choose the correct word3×2m=6ms)

1. Yesterday, we ( goes - went - will go) to The Nature Park.

2. The sun is ( big – biggest - bigger ) than the earth.

3. Next year, we are going (to – for – on ) visit Lebanon.
