تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شرح دروس وتمارين

ابتسامة امل
18-02-2011, 04:25 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

how to answer a question?
كيف تجيب على سؤال

النموذج الاول:

: What is Yousif reading ?
He is reading a book
للاجابه على مثل هذا السؤال يجب علينا القيام بالاتي:
1- استخرج الفاعل (Yosif) وضعه في بداية الجواب
اذا كان الفاعل اسما فللاختصار يمكن استخدام ضمير بدل يوسف في الجواب كما يلي:
نستخدم HE للمذكر مثل Yosif, Your father, the boy , Ahmad ...etc
نستخدم she للمؤنث بدلا من Mariam , Meera , Your mother, the girl
نستخدم it للجماد بدلا من the house , the bus ,(الانجليزيه الحديثه تستخدم he , she للحيوانات فقط, لكن تستطيع استخدام it ) the cat)
نستخدم they في حالة الجمع بدلا من the boys , the girls, cats
2- انتبه الى ما قبل الفاعل
عند وجود احد الافعال المساعده التاليه قبل الفاعل, يجب ان تذكره في الجواب:
am ,is,are ,was,were, have, has, had, shall, should, will , would, can , could, may , might, must , ought, don't , doesn't , didn't
3-اذا بدا السؤال باداة الاستفهام what (ماذا) احذفها وضع بدالها مفعولا به لغير العاقل ( اي اسما لشيء)
بعض الامثله:

What are the children drinking ?
They are drinking milk

what was the boy riding/
he was riding a bicycle
what were the woman buying
they were buying some oranges
What has your brother bought?
He has bought a camera

ملاحظه: المختصرات التاليه تستعمل عند التكلم عادة:
I am : I'm
You are : you're
He is : he's
She is : she 's
It is : it's
We are : we're
They are : they're
I have: I've
You have: you've
He has : he's
She has : she's
It has : it's
We have : we've
They have : they"ve
I shall: I'll
I will :I'll
You will: you'll
He will : he'll
She will : she'll
It will : it'll
We shall : we'll
We will : we'll
They will : they'll
He would : he'd

النموذج الثاني:

للتعرف على النموذج الثاني , اليكم هذين المثالين:
1- whom do you see at school?
I see my friends
2- what do you have for breakfast?
I have eggs

عند وجود الفعل do في الجواب لااحذفه ولا تغير الفعل المذكور بعد الفاعل
احذف ايضا whom (من) واذكر بدلها مفعولا به للعاقل , لان whom تستخدم فقط للعاقل
لاحظ ان you تصبح I عند الجواب للمفرد و we للجمع (You تعني انت او انتم )

ويمكن استخدام who ايضا بدل whom , ( الكلمتان تحملان نفس المعنى )


Who do you see at school?
I see my friends
في مثل هذا السؤال نحذف who ونذكر بدالها مفعولا به للعاقل
TO whom will you give the letter
I will give it to my brother
احيانا يحتوي السؤال على حرف جر مثل to , فيجب ضافته بالجواب

النموذج الثالث:

When does the moon shine?
It shines during the night

When does he have lunch
He has lunch at 1 o'clock

عند وجود does قبل الفاعل , احذفها واضف s الشخص الثالث الى نهاية الفعل
عند وجود when او what time ( معناها متى , للدلاله على الوقت) احذفها في الجواب واذكر بدلها زمنا . او وقتا معينا
عند وجود have , does في السؤال , تحذف في الجواب ونستخدم بدلها . has

النموذج الرابع

Why did your sister go to the doctor?
She went to the doctor because she was ill
Why did she wash the apple
She washed the apple to eat it

احذف why (لماذا)واذكر بدالها سببا معينا وفي الجواب تستخدم اما because
تتبعها جمله( فاعل وفعل) او نستخدم to يتبعها فعل مضارع مثل to eat , to clean < to sing
عند وجود did قبل الفاعل نحذفه في الجواب و ونحول الفعل المضار المذكور بعد الفاعل للماضي
( لاجظ ان السؤال ب did يكون في الماض , وعندما نستخدم did , فلا نحتاج لتحويل الفعل الى الماض لان did تدل على الماض , عند الجواب , فاننا نحذفها ولهذا يجب ان نحول المضارع الى الماض )
Where were you last night?
I was at home

احذف where (اين ) واذكر بدالها مكانا معينا
لاحظ ان were you تصبح في الجواب I was للمفرد ,,و we were للجمع

Whose pen is this?
This is my pen

احذف whose (لمن ) واذكر بدلها اسما او صغه للتملك

Which apple do you want?
I want the red apple

احذف which (اي) واذكر بدلها الشخص او الشيء الذي تختاره

How do you go to school?
I go to school by car

احذف how (كيف) واذكر بدلها الوسيله او الطريقه او الحاله المعينه

How many classrooms does your school have?
My school has fifteen classrooms

احذف how many (كم) واذكر بدلها عددا معينا

How much milk is there in the bottle?
There is a little milk in the bottle

احذف how much (ما مقدار) واذكر بدلها كميه معينه

How much does this car cost?
It costs 5000 dollars

في مثل هذا السؤال نحذف How much (كم,, للسعر) واذكر بدلها سعرا معينا

How old are you
I'm, ]19 years old

احذف how old واذكر بعدها عمرا معينا

How tall are you?
I'm 166 centimeters tall

احذف how tall (ماطول) و اذكر بدلها طول الشخص

How often do you go to the cinema>
I go to the cinema once a week

احذف how often (كم مره ) واذكر بدلها عدد المرات

How long is this table
It is two meters long

احذف How long واذكر بدلها طول الشيء او طول الفتره الزمنيه

How far is it to the bus station
It is ten minutes walk
احذف how far واذكر مسافه معينه

How high is that wall
It is ten meters high
احذف how high واذكر بعدها الارتفاع

How wide is this room?
It is four meters wide

احذف How wide واذكر بعدها عرضا معينا

بعض الملاحظات:
Who wrote this letter?
من كتب هذه الرساله
اذا بدا السؤال ب (who) معناها ( من ) وكان السؤال لا يحتوي على فاعل (I) احذف
wrote this letter
ضع فاعلا للعاقل اي اسم ( (Mariam , Nadya …etc
Selma wrote this letter

لا تغير الفعل
Selma wrote this letter

مثال اخر :

Who is that man ? من ذلك الرجل
1- احذف who
is that man ( في هذا المثال نلاحظ وجود فاعل ,that man لهذا كما ذكرنا سابقا نضع الفعل المساعد بعده)
that man is
2- نضع الاجابه بعد الفعل المساعد
That man is my son
ذلك الرجل هو ابني

3- what comes after winter ? ماذا ياتي بعد الشتاء
1- نحذف what
comes after winter
2- نذكر فاعلا لغير العاقل في مثل هذا السؤال( الربيع )
Spring comes after winter
3 – لا تغير الفعل comes

Spring comes after winter

اذا بدا السؤال بفعل او بفعل مساعد , ابدا الجواب بكلمة yes او No عند الاثبات او النفي

مثال can you swim ) هل تستطيع السباحه )
Yes I can
No I can not
لا حظ ايضا ان swim هنا ليس فعلا (سباحه) , الفعل هنا هو can

وايضا حول you الى I واتبع الخطوات التي ذكرتها سابقا

ضع الفاعل في بداية الجمله , متبوعا بفعل مساعد ( ان وجد) ثم ا لفعل

لكن اذا احتوت الجمله على (او)or فلا تستخدم Yes , No
Was it hot or cold yesterday?
)هل كان الجو حارا ام باردا البارحه؟)
ضع الفاعل في بداية الجمله It
متبوعا بفعل مساعد was
It was
ومفعولا به hot او cold
It was cold

عند وجود don't , doesn't , didn't قبل الفاعل , اذكرها في الجواب ولا تغير الفعل المذكور بعد الفاعل
Why didn't you buy the bicycle
لماذا لم تشتري الدراجه ؟
نحذف why
didn't you buy the bicycle
نضع الفاعل you ونغيره الى I في بداية الجمله
I didn't buy the bicycle
نضيف because )لان( متبوعه بسبب مناسب

I didn't buy the bicycle because it was expensive
لم اشتري الدراجه لانها كانت غاليه

اذا احتو السؤال على do احذفه واذكر فعلا مضارعا مناسبا
What do you do on Friday ?
ماذا تفعل يوم الجمعه

I watch TV on Friday
اشاهد التلفاز يوم الجمعه

اما اذا احتوى السؤال على does , احذفه واذكر فعلا مضارعا ينتهي ب S الشخص الثالث
What does a beaker do?
ماذا يفعل الخباز؟
He sells bread
يقوم بببيع الخبز

عند وجود will < would , can , could , might , may , must قبل الفاعل اذكرها في الجواب واحذف Do و ضع بعده فعلا مضارعا مناسبا
What you must do when you want to write a letter
ماذا عليك ان تفعل عندما تريد ان تكتب رساله ؟
I must get a pen and a piece of paper
علي ان احضر قلما وورقه

عند وجود الفعل happened (حدث) فانه يحذف ويذكر بدله فعل مناسب

What happened to the old house?
ماذا حصل للمنزل القديم
It fell down
لقد تهدم

إليكم بعض التمارين (أرجو الحل)
اختر الاجابه الصحيحه

1-Where was he born?
He …….. in k.s.a
(a) born , (b) is born < (c) was born

2- what do cats eat?
They …….. meat
(a)ate,(b)eats ,(c) eat

3-what will mariam buy?
She….. a new dress
(a)buy,(b)bought,(c)will buy

4-when does this train leave ?
It…….at six o'clock
(a) leave,(b) left, (c) leaves

5- what was Salma reading/
She …. A news paper
(a) reading, (b)was reading ,(c) is reading

6- how did your brother go to london?
He…… to london by car

7- when can I see the doctor?
You………. Him at 8 in the evening
(a) see (b)saw,(C) can see

8- who would the man meet at the station?
He… his friend
(a) meet(b) would meet(c)meeting

اجب عن الاسئله الاتيه

- what is your name?
How old are you-2
3- Where do you live?
4- What is today?
5- What was yesterday?
What will tomorrow be-6
7- How many days are there in a week?
8- Is summer cold or hot?
9- Does Friday come before or after Saturday?
10- What is your father ? (مهنة والدك)
11- How many brothers do you have?
12-How tall are you?
13- How much do you weight?
14- what color is your hair?
15- What color are your eyes?
16-How do you come to school?
17_ How many students are there in your class/
18- How many blackboards are there in your class?
19- What day in the week is a weekend?
20-How many months are there in a year/

21-how many days does September have
22- does may has thirty or thirty one days
23- do you go to school in summer
24-what is your favorite subject
25-what would you like to be in the future/
26- is morocco in Asia or Africa/
27-In which city do you live?
28- when do people wear thin cloths/
29- what does a butcher sell?
30-what are tables usually made of
31-does your uncle live in Bahrain
32-who do you want to see/
33- whose watch is this?
34- what time doest this film starts?
35what will you do tomorrow
36-how often do you brush your teeth?
37- where do we buy bread ?
38-where must you go if you want to buy a book/
39- why do we wear thick cloths in winter
40-whose glasses are these?

الدرس الثاني

_النفي Negative

النموذج الاول:

اذا احتوت الجمله على احد الافعال المساعده التاليه ضع Not بعده لتصبح منفيه
Am, is, are ,was, were , shall, should, will,would,can,could,may ,might,must ,ought

والافعال had, has, have , فقط نضيف not, عندما ياتي بعد هذه الافعال فعل ماض (تصريف ثالث )

Maha is at home
Maha is not at home

2- Ahmad has got a car
Ahmad has not got a car

ملاحظه نستطيع اختصار الجمله المنفيه كالتالي
Is not =isn't
Can not= can't
ونفس الشيء ينطبق على باق الافعال المساعده والافعال

النموذج الثاني

اذا لم تحتوي الجمله على فعل مساعد. فاننا نضع do not قبل الفعل ولا نغير الفعل
They live in Bahrain
They don't live in Bahrain

I have lunch at school
I don’t have lunch at school

النموذج الثالث

اذا انتهى الفعل ب s الشخص الثالث نضع قبل الفعل does not و نحذف ال s من الفعل


Nadya speaks english
Nadia does not speak english

He has a nice car
He doesn't have a nice car
لاحظ هنا ان Has تصبح have عند النفي

النموذج الرابع

اذا كان الفعل ماض و فاننا نضع قبله did not ونحول الفعل الى المضارع
I watched Tv last night
I did not watch TV last night

He wrote me a letter
He did not write me a letter

I had a letter from her
I didn't have a letter from her

لاحظ ان Had تصبح didn't have


1- عند وجود some حولها الىany عند النفي
he has some money
he doesn't have any money

2- عند وجود a lot of وplenty حولها عند النفي الى Many اذا تبعها اسم نستطيع عده مثل تفاح او much اذا كان الاسم لا نستطيع عده مثل العصير
I have plenty of cloths
I don't have any cloths

she drinks a plenty of milk
she doesn't drink much milk

3- عند وجود فعل امر ضعه قبل don't عند النفي
Sit here please
Don't sit here please
4- تستعمل has , have , had كافعال رئيسيه ويكون معناها حسب الجمله و في هذه الحاله نضعها قبلها عند النفي (had)didn't , (have)don't , (has)doesn't حسب الفعل

i have my breakfast everyday
I don't have my breakfast every day

She has difficulties in learning English
she doesn't have difficulties in learning English

I had an apple yesterday

I didn't have any apple 5- عند وجود has to , have to , had to ( يجب) في النفي تكون doesn't have to , didn't have to , don't have to

You have to do it now
you don't have to do it now

6- عند وجود does , do , did لوحدها في الجمله فانها تعتبر افعال رئيسيه وتكون في النفي
do.تصبح don't do
did تصبح didn't do
does تصبح doesn't do
she did her duty well
she didn't do her duty well

اليكم بعض التمارين (أرجو الحل)
حول ا لجمل الاتيه الى نفي

1-I am going home
2- my room was cleaned yesterday
3-my father will buy some apples tomorrow
4-they sell fish here
5-I want to but this shirt
6- they go to school by bus
7- maha likes swimming
8-It cost a lot of money to go to Australia
9-your friends live nearby
10-they played football yesterday
11- i posted the letter on Sunday
12- she gave me ten dollars
13- my mother has washed some shirts
14- that man can speak English
15- put the letter there
16- there were a lot of flowers in the garden
17-we will have a holiday tomorrow
19-you should make some changes in the house
20- he slept well last night

همس الرووح
15-06-2011, 08:35 AM
يعطيك العافية ع الطرح المفيد
بارك الله فيك
دمت بألف خير

ابتسامة امل
03-11-2011, 10:03 PM
مرحبا بك واهلا وسهلا ياهمس
شكرا لك على الحضور الراقي