المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Some Mistakes Made While Fasting, by Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Jibreen

ندى الحروف
03-10-2007, 09:12 PM
Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullahee wa Barakatu

This was written by one in dire need of his Lord's mercy, His Excellency, Sheikh Abdullah bin AbdurRahmaan Al-Jibreen:

And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala exalt our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleihi wassallam, and all his Family and Companions.

Some Mistakes Made While Fasting

1. Not making the intention that one is fasting the obligatory fast of Ramadaan the night before the fast or before the time of Fajr, eventhough one intention for the whole of Ramadaan may suffice.

2. Eating and drinking during the Adhaan of Fajr or after it, even though some of those who make the call to prayer do so before its time out of caution.

3. Eating the predawn meal an hour or two hours before Fajr.

4. Going to excess in regards to food and drink. This contradicts the purpose of fasting - to feel hunger which in turn leads to reverential fear (khushoo').

5. Not praying in congregation, like Dhuhr or Asr, due to laziness, sleep, or being busy in things which do not benefit.

6. Not protecting one's tongue during the days and nights of Ramadaan from vain and false talk, talking about filthy things, giving false witness, lying, backbiting and spreading tales.

7. Wasting precious time in vain talk and play, watching sports and movies, joking and riddling, and loitering on the streets.

8. Not performing a sufficient amount of good deeds like supplication, recitation of the Qur'an, and the Sunnah prayers which are multiplied in Ramadaan.

9. Nor praying Taraweeh in congregation. It has been encouraged in ahaadeeth to pray with the Imaam until he finishes, and in doing so it will be written tha he has prayed the whole night.

10. In the beginning of the month, we see many people praying and reciting Qur'an, but then in the last part of the month, many are unable or fall short in doing so, while the last ten days and nights of Ramadaan are more important than the beginning of the month.

11. Leaving the night prayer which is specific to the last ten nights, for the Prophet sallallahu aleihi wassallam would stay awake the whole night during the last ten, and he would wake his family, become more serious and tighten his lower garment (proverb: roll up his sleeves)

12. Staying up late at night during the month of fasting, and then sleeping through the Fajr prayer. Many delay it until the Duhaa [early morning hours after Fajr but before Dhuhr], and this is neglecting this obligation.

13. Being stingy and refusing those in need, while there are many in Ramadaan who are in need, even though the reward for charity is multiplied during these times.

14. Many people do not pay close importance to paying the Zakaat-ul-Maal

15. Neglecting to supplicate during the fast and especially at the time of breaking fast being busy in eating and drinking. A hadeeth has been reported in its regard, that the one who fasts has a supplication which is not refused at the time of breaking fast.

May God bless u

04-10-2007, 09:09 AM
( نـــدووووش )

شرفٌ لي ان اكون اوّل المتصفّحين لموضوعكِ.......

وفعلاً نحنُ في حاجة ماسّة الى مثل هذا التنبيه......

فبارك الله فيكِ...وجزاكِ الله خيراً على الطرح المفيد....والقيّم جدّاً......

وجعله في ميزان حسناتكِ بإذن الله.......

دمتي بودّ......

وتحيّةٌ معطّرةٌ بالورد......

ريف العين
05-10-2007, 12:25 AM
thank you nadoosh

God bless you sweet

best regard

ღ حمــ الـ H ــورد ـــرة ღ
05-10-2007, 07:18 AM
Good topic

I enjoyed read it

we hope we get rid of these mistakes

God bless you

thanks alot :مزون:

ندى الحروف
05-10-2007, 10:40 AM
حمــــــــــــــره ولكم :مزون:

ندى الحروف
05-10-2007, 10:45 AM


ندى الحروف
05-10-2007, 10:46 AM
مرورك اسعدني

عاشق الحزن
16-10-2007, 09:30 AM
الله يعطيك الصحة والعافية على هذا الجهد الراقي

بارك الله فيك وبارك بكل اعمالك وجعلها بموازينك

تقبلي خالص شكري وتقديري وفائق احترامي

دمت بود

ندى الحروف
16-10-2007, 09:13 PM
ربي يبارك فيك